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Posts posted by Derka

  1. javy, rizzo, and bryant were the young core of the 2016 world series winning cubs. they’ve all been bad since ~2018. i don’t ever remember seeing a young core of all stars/mvp candidates (and a winner) get so bad, so fast.

    • Rage+1 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, Helobious said:

    He is. Rodon is also broken. Cole looks like he could be named the Home Run Derby pitcher next month. Dominguez is done for the year and will likely never wear the pinstripes again. Torres seriously is making me miss Ronald Torreyes. Rizzo is cooked. Everything is fucked. 

    But Judge did tie Bernie Williams for 7th place on the Yankees all time homer list tonight. So that’s something.

    i just laughed for five straight minutes remembering your posts after y’all signed judge and you proclaimed it the greatest lineup of all time. i believe i said at the time that your lineup would be two scary hitters and seven guys who are walking k’s. wasn’t too far off.

  3. this shit right here is particularly insane, and is an outstanding example of how/why drawing more attention to the wnba and its players has only made people dislike the league even more than they already did:


    what an absolutely insane response to caitlin clark simply saying that she doesn’t pay attention to the political talk and that she just focuses on basketball. who in the hell is dijon carrington? and why is she not kissing caitlin clark’s feet and thanking her for drawing more eyes to this league and its many many social justice causes? fuck these spiteful, hateful, ungrateful, slow and uncoordinated women. i hope the league folds by christmas.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Rage+1 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    Can someone confirm that CDC used the term natty today? Because if so I will see to it that he not only doesn’t use that term in the future, he will apologize on Twitter for it. 

    Natty - cringe term of the 2020’s. 

    i’ll add to the list: at some point in the last 5-6 years touchdowns have become “tuddies”, which is arguably the dumbest thing i’ve ever heard.

    • Haha 3
  5. been out at the pool all day, just got back and caught up on the games on my dvr. holy shit. first i watch georgia being their fans (and even a diplomat or two) to years as they accomplished the impossible (lol ronaldo), and im only just now seeing the first goal in türkiye vs chechia and holy shit what a madness this is. the euros are delivering! 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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