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Certifiably Surly
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About creeper

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  1. creeper


    The knock on Audouze has long been that while you might strike gold, plenty of his older bottles are just not in great shape, which isn't surprising considering their age. But it becomes a problem when he refuses to acknowledge bad bottles and you're paying thousands of dollars to drink them. That said, I'd be tempted, depending on the lineup.
  2. Johnny's in Salado. This is the half portion.
  3. Basque country is great, but Galicia is underrated, especially if you like seafood. One of the great seafood destinations.
  4. This is almost always the case. I took a bus from Porto to Vigo and picked up a car there to explore Galicia and Santiago de Compostela.
  5. creeper

    Breakfast places

    This. But don't order a burrito, get the chorizo migas.
  6. Stayed at the Hotel Nacional in Havana for a few nights a decade ago. The room was kinda sketch, but the common areas and views were as gorgeous as they're portrayed on TV. I had to head to the lobby anytime I needed to relieve myself. They just couldn't get the toilet in the room to work.
  7. Carver had no wait, no hecklers at 10am. In and out in five minutes.
  8. Went to Shaya last week... feels like it's fallen off a bit. I'd recommend MaMou, which was the best meal of the trip. You need a reso, but you can make one for the bar. Great food/service/vibe.
  9. Paris is great in January... less crowded, relatively easy to make resos, cozy and romantic, and usually not too cold for exploring. If you're into food, it's a good time of the year as well... post-game season, but you can still find winter specialties like lievre a la royale or whole truffle in puff pastry. If you're worried about the weather, we spent a week in southern Spain at the beginning of February this year, and it was glorious.
  10. They were roasting at Central Market north this morning.
  11. We fly with our dog on both SWA and Alaska fairly frequently. My wife handles it, but it's fairly straightforward, the only downside being you have to pay at the ticket counter before your flight, so you can't go straight to the gate.
  12. And guava pastries.
  13. B-21 in Tarpon Springs is one of the better independent wine retailers in the country. Looks like a shithole, but they'll usually have some stuff on the shelves that would be hard to find elsewhere.
  14. Bern's is a trip. The wine list isn't what it was... picked over and remaining stock has largely been marked to secondary market pricing, but there are still some gems. They were pouring a red from my birth year last summer for like $16/glass... you won't see that anywhere else.
  15. Was in town for a hot minute last week and had a glorious breakfast at Garcia's. If that place were near me, I'd be there weekly. #4 Mexican plate plus brisket taco. Red salsa is the shit.
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