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  1. What are Pierce's strengths and what are Skip's strenghts? With Skip you know he can coach up pitchers at least. Pierce isn't a bad coach but when you look at him there isn't a real elite aspect to his coaching. Maybe recruiting players who can hit for power?
  2. Gerry Hamilton essentially said Oregon came with a big offer today
  3. Kevin O'Sullivan is not going to be a candidate in part because of this incident https://www.gainesville.com/story/news/crime/2021/05/06/what-we-know-paul-reinhart-apparent-murder-suicide-gainesville/4975945001/
  4. Zach from OB posted this yesterday: "UPDATE (6/13): There will not be an official announcement today from Texas regarding the status of David Pierce due to contractual matters, but it has been made clear and the next step will be an official announcement from CDC (Texas) that Coach Pierce has been fired. As far as who will be the next coach, that name has not been released, but they have narrowed it down to an individual and he has stated that when the official offer is made, which can only be done once Pierce is officially removed, he will say yes." Anyone know what the contractual matter might be?
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