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Posts posted by Beltonhorn25

  1. 45 minutes ago, troph said:

    they actually belong in the SEC more than just about any school there. Mid tier school that relishes the ability to chant SEC, SEC, SEC and feel good about themselves while posing little to no danger to top schools in the league while at the same time the top schools can say they went to vaunted Kyle Field and won. They are a perfect fit, exactly what the SEC thought they were and what they wanted.

    I've been saying this for years. They are exactly what the SEC wanted. A team that'll play foil for the top teams while shouting the praises of the SEC and thinking they are respected by the league. Basically, exactly what everyone knew they'd be but the ags themselves.

  2. 38 minutes ago, Valmy77 said:

    Didn't Schloss deny leaving TCU for A&M exactly the same way? 

    of course....but it was fun to them then. They are a bunch of cult nut hypocrites...that's why this is so funny. Didn't they also just steal a coach from Mizzou? an in-conference brother?

  3. 1 minute ago, The_Great_Hornsby said:

    I think if you make an offer that big, as Schloss you dont even bother asking them to match it. You would be the highest paid coach in history by a huge margin. Asking aggy to pay you more would be a slap in the face to Texas at that point. You either want the job or you dont. 

    Good point hadn't considered that. I can't wait for the Ag meltdown if this is true.

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