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Certifiably Surly
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About ABZ

  1. Holy shit. Now I can't unsee Mike Lindell.
  2. I have been complaining for the past five years about Tesla and Subaru drivers in Austin. Hang out in the left lane and don't use turn signals. I feel validated.
  3. He just wants to see a video of him doing it while holding two forms of government ID, having a police officer there to verify the whole thing, four or five of his buddies taking notes, and Tucker's grandma to confirm his identity.
  4. The picture of Roethlisberger reminds me of a story from a buddy in Pittsburgh. A girl friend of his and some other friends and him are hanging out at a bar and Roethlisberger shows up. He eventually gets her to leave with him. Takes her to a nice hotel and has a "standby" room always available. Anyways, they go up to the room and she goes in the bathroom to freshen up. She comes out and Roethlisberger is standing at the edge of the bed with no clothes on stroking his dick and looks at her and says "where do you want it?"
  5. Well, we all need someone we can lean on
  6. Agreed on getting rid of lawns. We also need to do brush control. South Texas, the gulf coast, and much of West Texas in the early 1800s were plains of grassland. Most of East Texas was old growth pine spaced out wide enough where you could drive a wagon through the woods with grasses growing underneath. The hill country was oak mottes with grassland, where cedar (juniper) only existed in the steepest canyons due to protection from wildfires. All of those cedar, mesquite, and huisache trees suck up tons of water. There are places in the hill country/Llano uplift/Concho valley where they have done brush clearing where springs and creeks have begun to flow for the first time in over 100 years. A lot of water issues are due to us fucking up the natural environment. Certainly the large population doesn't help.
  7. Great. Now I'm craving some Hruska's...
  8. When I was a little kid and heard about corrupt governments/officials in the world, my naive, uniformed self thought, at least there is no corruption in the US...well except for in Louisiana. No joke.
  9. I have a friend that uses Subarus for his sales fleet in NM/CO/WY/MT. He was riding with a salesman through a small town in Wyoming and a sheriff pulled them over. When he stepped up to the car, the sheriff looked at them, took a breath and said "Oh, I figured you two for a couple of lesbians."
  10. Nice example 686. My dad bought 132 acres a few years ago in the Concho valley, and we see benefits from shooting does and taking care of the bucks. Wish we could feed more protein given the costs and neighbors. We still should shoot more does. See photo for deer with best potential. I think he is only 3.5 yo. Speaking of parents, my mom has part of 300 acres down on the coastal bend. Thinking of going down to Refugio County this weekend. Anyone have any recent reports from down there? I normally just watch deer and enjoy the history and solitude while camping out there.
  11. My mother, father, and I saw one slowly cross in front of us at about 75 yards while driving down a logging road towards our old deer lease on paper land. It happened on a bright, sunny day during the summer of 1997, west/northwest of Moscow, TX. Never will forget it. I reported it to TPWD, but they never followed up.
  12. Just got back to Texas from a 10 day trip visiting my buddy who lives in Montana. Drew a deer tag this year and got a nice, mature 5x6 mule deer. Deer weighed over 250 lbs on the hoof and had a ton of mass. We also did one afternoon goose hunt in a snow storm. We got 6 greater Canadians. Goose leg/thigh gumbo was delicious. We also did a lot of pheasant, grouse, and Hungarian partridge hunting. All public land/public access, other than goose hunt where we knocked on farmer's door and asked for permission to hunt field. Wishing the trip wasn't over.
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