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Everything posted by Grippe

  1. When I lived in Prague I used to take visitors to the church where the commandos were tracked down and killed - it still has all of the thousands of bullet marks on it as a badge of honor. Sometimes I'd also take them to the village north of Praha where Hitler order the reprisal. Every single male (regardless of age) in the village was rounded up and gunned down in from of the females. The Czech's simply razed the entire town down to nothing and left a memorial marker. After WWII the Russians spent decades terrorizing the Czechs with fear tactics. Czechs hold a lot of grudges, but love Americans (especially Patton).
  2. (Warning: this is late 80's LA Type stuff) During the stangnant lull between Appetite for Destruction and Nevermind the manager of GnR and Great White signed a third band from Finland that he preferred listening to while he was drunk.
  3. There's a part of me that wishes Tim Beck had that much backbone.
  4. Wanna debate me? Good luck, look at espin and the laughable reporting on Urban, THE NUMBER TWO.
  5. You gloss over fact that eventually a late PST game will occur. Pretty graphics are mesmerizing but don't change facts of time zone bias. I will forever neg any graphic laden post that attempts to occlude human reality. Fuck no to being in any conference servitude in the PST and FUCK NO to more repetitive obligations and less non-con games. I don't give two ghonnoriac shits about making it `bigger`, as a matter of fact go fuck yourself for thinking `bigger`. I want quality. I want BETTER. Nick Saban figured it out. Wins matter, fuck kowtowing to media: if a program is winning the media will sell their soul to pay you to suck your peen.
  6. Reposting from TOS: Since then there has been a lot of changes, Stormlord series finished and Rothfuss decided to camp out and not release book 3. In the meantime, I still cannot recommend Tad Williams, I shudder at the effort I used forcing myself thru it.
  7. From the time I was 10 until I was 15 I used to go up into the Chugach on my three wheeler (185S!) and disappear for a few days. I'd fish, camp and just be alone as a young teen - it was incredible, it got me away from my family and in touch with nature. Best way in the world to grow up.
  8. Best trout fishing I found is at Lake Louise, both on the shore and out in a boat/canoe. Best fish to fight? Grayling, hands down, those little bastards fight like shrews.
  9. Is there a Fulmer Cup equivalent for conferences? I think the BIG is trying to outdo the SEC!
  10. I grew up out past Chugiak (Mustangs!) so here's a few notes: Find a bug repellent that works for you (bug repellent is to Alaskans what Sun Screen is to pasty white Texans) Have a personal sidearm, train on it, and use it responsibly Pepper spray is effective on bears, wolves and mama moose (the last one I can speak from experience on) Get an ATV or side by side, have it on a trailer Get a canoe and swap it out on said trailer when not using the ATV If you don't fish/aren't an angler, learn how and do everything you can to avoid the tourist destinations (e.g. the Kenai - stay the fuck away) Make a friend with a private pilot - you can pay tourist prices for flying into the interior or have a friend who only wants you to go dutch Winter blues is BS, I used to hear about people getting depressed - Winter is for social gatherings (Parties, going to UAA hockey/basketball games, celebrating holidays together, FUR RONDY!!!!), summer is for going out and exploring the wilds individual/family Do NOT drink and drive - the State Troopers are allowed to lock you up for 48hrs on suspicion of being under the influence... this is not a joke Yes, try the fireweed honey when its offered to you, it's awesomeness When skiing at Arctic Valley, you MUST do the 5 mile trail - there's nothing like it anywhere in the lower 48 Don't piss your pants over earthquakes, unless the roof on the building you're in collapses it absolutely is NOT a 'big one' Engine heaters are not an option in winter Nether are studs/snow chains - they cost extra to have and to have put on in the fall and taken off in the spring but thems the breaks kid Whore's happen - it's a male dominated demographic and the working ladies have lives to live, don't stick your nose up at them Once you find a bug repellent that works for your, buy more of it
  11. I, for one, would love to see Gloria Allred be a part of this 'investigation'.
  12. Dyson hand-held (800 or better) >>>> Kirby (and I have owned both).
  13. Brett McMurphy is an OSU grad. The Pokes variety OSU that is.
  14. But, but! There's SO much BBQ variety - I seriously think I could eat different entrees and sides for a whole month and (despite going super sized) would be happier than a hog in a waller. As a matter of fact, we're almost 30 days out now, brb - going to pitch a idea of an awesome month to the wife...
  15. Did not care for Seven Eves, not because of the technical quality of writing but some of the characters reflected real life personalities that simply annoy the ever living fuck out of me.
  16. What a stupid fucking (bias ridden) thread. The only thing stupider are fellow conservative shagsters who take the bait and respond to this drivel.
  17. Has Nick Saban offered him yet? Oh wait....
  18. Here's what I don't get: in the US Army before I received my commission as an officer I was clearly informed and instructed the penalties for officers committing violations of the UCMJ were more severe and, in adjudication, almost always held to the maximum allowable than standard rank and file. Heavy handed punishment against officers who violated the legal code was appreciated by the Officer corps because it helped keep the ranks clean of scumbags. Why can't we have increased penalty codes that are specialized for all public servants?
  19. I have a personal/professional hatred of the woman (yes Hugo, I had to deal with her). She's an unapologetic egomaniac who is crass and underhanded that, yes, gets stuff done by everything short of criminal activity. Worse yet, her sledge hammer approach is amped up for the benefit of far left agenda items that are out of touch with moderate Americans. I miss the days of Tip O'Neill, there was a liberal Speaker who put America ahead of Liberal agendas (and got a LOT more done than Pelosi has). I wonder what he's looking at?
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