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Everything posted by Grippe

  1. Captain and Ginger Ale over ice, thank you.
  2. Having had both numerous times I can genuinely say I prefer: Hoody's.
  3. Checking in with a mini-mash version of my raspberry truffle (double chocolate raspberry stout sour) brewed this weekend. It was inspired by my wife's love of a 1/3 Framboise with 2/3 Young's Double Chocolate Stout. Target OG is 1.055 but I came in at 1.053. Next up is the Honey Hibiscus Wheat Farmhouse, prolly my favorite beer to brew.
  4. I believe knowledge content will be one of the first 'victims' of the information age (transitioning from the industrial age). It's interesting to muse over the fact that multiple generations will be the transitional witnesses to a genuine end of one age and rise of another (Greatest Gen'ers, Baby Boomers, X'ers - I would place Millennials as the first true generation of the Information age with only a tacit life in the industrial age).
  5. Fuck the landthieves, fuck them to hell.
  6. End of July? Normandy. Be sure to watch Saving Private Ryan with him before going.
  7. This thread is proof of why we can't have nice things. (casting another vote for Nirvana, by a Secretariat lead)
  8. Brat - I live right down 620 from you (Round Rock West), my wife and I will be keeping eyes out (we talk walks most days).
  9. Well, it ain't quite flight tracker but... http://observer.com/2018/04/jeff-bezos-private-jet-records-suggest-amazon-hq2-winners/
  10. Remote schooling via the OASIS. Seriously though, my last kid is graduating this Friday - if I were looking at another one doing 4-12 years I'd look up remote on-line education, so more than home schooling by leveraging connectivity for social aspect but keeping control of their safety and the content being taught.
  11. B. C. Fence, Dusty Brents 512 284-8716 / $$ / ** / solid fence at market price, Dusty knows his business and works to make it easy - excellent service. Anastasis: water conditioning is softeners, filters, ionizer and everything to condition water for potable use in your home.
  12. Does she have a Pinterest page already created for wedding rings, weddings, etc.?
  13. Interesting article from the Washington Post (owned by Bezos) that spends a great deal of time describing why the facade of the DC area isn't really so good for either AMZ or the people in the area. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/how-can-the-dc-region-absorb-amazon-hq2-if-it-cant-cope-now-with-gridlock-and-housing-costs/2018/05/12/a175afb0-4991-11e8-8b5a-3b1697adcc2a_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.f6c3c5686c61
  14. Mark Schlereth. I hated Service HS.
  15. As a Gen-X'er I always referred to that era as Generation PerpleXed. No /CR here but one thing I've noticed is that every generation up to and including Baby Boomers tended to become more conservative as they aged and ascended into power (government office, bureaucracy, etc.) - my observations of Gen X, however, seem to be less migration towards conservationism. It would be an interesting study to measure the political/social views of each generation and how they changed/migrated over time.
  16. Stearns and Foster, no pillow top. Preferably hand tufted instead of foam. Don't start at a specialty store (like mattress one), they're swine. Go to a department store to find the mattress you like (usually an older lady who admits she has no idea about mattresses). Once you find the mattress you and your spouse agree on - go to 2x specialty stores and play them off of one another.
  17. I'd swap TCU for OU and WVU for OSU. Tech wins 4, KK gets fired. KU gets 2.
  18. Pincham - see above, he might do 1 plug if he's got an opening.
  19. Finished the final Iron Druid installment - excellent way to close the storylines.
  20. I shut it off. Same shitshow as last year, once again.
  21. Here’s the idea: I live in RR and have had a great deal of contracting & specialist work/remodeling done on my original 1970’s home to get it up to snuff (my wife adores Joanna Gaines, just like every other Texas woman). Along the way I’ve worked with some good local contractors that I fully endorse/recommend and others I won’t call again. I’m going to post the below recommendations by field/specialty and encourage other Shagsters (don’t call me Shirley) to copy and paste, avoiding the dreaded reply/quote masking effect, with recommendations for their own area. Yeah, there’s Yelp, Angie’s List, all of those sites that are a pita imo and I can never quite trust if its sponsored or not – this is a recommendation from a guy in RR based on my experiences (who’s been posting with you assholes since 2008). Legend: $ = too good to be true? / $$ = about what I expect to pay / $$$ = wtf are artisan prices?!?!?! * = good enough quality to satisfy / ** = everyone is happy / *** = this guy is amazing/saved my ass (anything below a single * ain’t getting posted as a recommendation – I’m still looking) AREA: Round Rock/ N. Austin/ Cedar Park / Pflugerville General Contractor: (still looking) Handyman/Carpenter: (still looking, I do a lot of the small things myself) Foundation: (not used – yet) Plumbing: Asics Plumbing Services (Jon Betak) / (512) 228-8568 / $$ / *** / I got Jon’s number from a neighbor when my previous plumber attempted to gouge me after we broke ground, Jon showed up under 24 hours and saved the day at a reasonable price Electrical: Pincham Energy Solutions (Ryan Pincham) / (512) 514-3629 / $ - $$ / ** - *** / Ryan is a fucking stud, he does damn solid work at a great price and is a veteran to boot, the only thing preventing me from full 3 stars is he is sometimes late (he will stay on a job until it’s done, running late on the next if necessary, which I’m ok with) Flooring/Tile: (still looking – bad experience here) Drywall (include sheetrock/mud/texture): (still looking – even worse experiences here) Painter: (still looking) HVAC: Fontaine A/C (Eric Fontaine) / (512) 250-5420 / $ - $$ / ** / Really good work, great price, no drama Insulation: (still looking) Water Conditioning: Tommy Dorsey Water Conditioning (Tommy Dorsey) / (512) 255-1960 / $ - $$ / ** / Another professional journeyman who does solid work at a great price Roofing: Trident Roofing Co. (Tom Willi) / (512) 394-9994 / $$ / ** - *** / I’ve called on Trident three times in 20 years (different houses), the last time about 7 years ago – average prices with top quality work Cabinetry/Countertops: Southwest Custom Interiors (Richard Ronk) / (512) 388-2975 / $ - $$ / *** / Another stud – top quality work at a VERY reasonable price by a thoroughly professional team Doors/Windows: Anything around the house (K.B.) / (512) 577-9228 / $$ / ** / Average work at an average price – I will prolly call on them again for some of the larger handyman level stuff I need done (I had 2x French doors replace old sliding glass doors) Landscaping/Irrigation: (still looking) Fencing: B.C. Fence (Dusty Brents) / (512) 284-8716 / $$ / ** / Solid fence at market price, Dusty knows his business and works to make the process easy - excellent service
  22. Camptown Ladies Lane.
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