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Everything posted by Grippe

  1. Fucking sonofabitch - it was a hoax to emphasize safety. Rassa Frassa....
  2. I'm going to laugh my ass off when the cliffhanger for season 1 of 'The Royals' is him taking a paternity test and finding out Charles isn't his real dad.
  3. The average USC fan gotta be like:
  4. Absolutely not a lulz, but one of the channels I watch, SV Seeker, had an explosion that hurt the owner. It was caught indirectly by a guy visiting and helping out:
  5. He'd leave a head coaching job for OC there? Rather unusual...
  6. Grippe


    It might look stupid, but if it works, then it ain't stupid.
  7. Peanut butter and a 5 gallon bucket. Drown the MF'ers.
  8. Grippe

    Luv Ya Blue

    /thread Seriously, spot the fuck on.
  9. You fucking cocksuckers are going to laugh - but here are my two alma maters: Shippensburg (there's a fuckton (imperial, not metric (because fuck those guys)) of us in Texas btw) and UT.
  10. The problem I have with Victorinox is they make such a good knife at such a good price it makes it easy to buy more on a whim, case in point: And I regret NOTHING!
  11. I'm really starting to enjoy CJ's music - it sure as shit comes across as honest. Oh, and the fact he's a fellow Jinks helps too.
  12. Preordered the Kindle version! (did anyone else hope to see the Thujone avatar used here when visiting the author's page?)
  13. I have a question, and I am not one to break God's law. What is wrong with checking out if there are no more accomplishments a person looks forward towards?
  14. Another Victorinox owner/believer here.
  15. Hilberts on Lamar used to be my go-to place for a fix before they sold to P. T.'s, they relocated around the corner (38th) and eventually closed. I was sad, until we moved to Mineral Wells, now I find myself going to Herd's whenever I get the itch. Upgrading is sooo hard!
  16. Suriously - I've got a ton of things that I'm thankful for, but the one I'm calling out now is for this site and y'all here. Hope each and everyone of you assholes has a great Turkey Day, and God Bless Texas!
  17. Picks up immediately after Enchanters End Game and goes on. Then there are two following tomes on Belgarath and Polgara respectively. Castle of Wizardry was prolly my favorite book out of all of them.
  18. Lamesa Mule. Lung shot with a 25-06 and then led us on a chase across scrub and cotton fields. Happy Movember y'all.
  19. Draw a line on 281 from Johnson City to Burnet. Look up and down that entire area on Zillow or Trulia (you'll find it's most expensive around Marble Falls). If you live closer to either JC or Burnet you'll find the highways are straight shots into the metro area, property values are reasonable and they still have the small town, country folk, feel to them. Really good hunting and fishing along that whole line as well. Thank you for your service to our country!
  20. Somewhere Hugo is crying to himself on why he's not considered the coolest kid on the playground.
  21. Right up there with Thujone's posts on Bob Stoops' phallic addicktions.
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