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Certifiably Surly
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bad_teammate last won the day on August 27 2020

bad_teammate had the most liked content!


13718 Surly 1%

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  1. I am very happy with my initial take, which is that WR are disproportionately moronic. I think every possible scenario confirms this presumption.
  2. The venn diagram of guys who do this kind of thing and the guys who attract women who would lie about this sort of thing has a LOT of overlap.
  3. Do it. There is no future. Nothing matters. Who cares.
  4. I hope they beat us by 100.
  5. So they're mad that an ESPN broadcaster doesn't talk like Dave South? lol ok
  6. A little mustard and hot sauce on them sardines they'll go down a treat. Grow up
  7. Ok, but what KIND of American are you? *banjoing intensifies*
  8. I don't disbelieve this at all because I'm a huge fucking moron, but...
  9. I thought I was clever and original but I shouldn't be shocked it already exists. Someone take me out back and tie me to a post. I'm done.
  10. I am old, so it is my belief that the zoomers will adore Trump for making sure they didn't have to go longer than 24hrs without TikTok and that the internment of non-whites and the LGBTQ will not matter to them. And those zoomers who are vaguely aware of moral goodness will do sad TikTok dances outside the concentration camps.
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