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Certifiably Surly
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bad_teammate last won the day on August 27 2020

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  1. Mexico is going to pay for it, stupid lib
  2. Which part? It's "noteworthy" that maybe 10 people on an Internet message board took a few minutes out of watching commercials to comment on one of their university's representatives choosing to make a completely unnecessary political statement that's a massive middle finger to many/most of his classmates and teammates? What's "noteworthy" about it? We're supposed to be locked in watching the Taco Bell nuggets chick for the 20th time this CFB season and it contravenes expectations that we're posting instead? "I'm just saying..." "I just think it's interesting that..." "I'm just surprised that..." All sentence starters from people who either haven't thought through their own thinking or are unable to contend with it because it's fucking stupid. Say what you actually mean, bud. Say it with your chest. Do you just stare intently at the screen for 4 hours when the game starts? What's the right way to watch a fucking football game on TV?
  3. Publicly promoting a politician who advocates literally deporting his fellow classmates who were born in America isn't fantastical bullshit. That's literally what Quinn is actively choosing to do over and over. Is he doing it because he's a virulent racist who hates them? Is he doing it because he's a fucking moron who doesn't really think carefully or deeply about life and politics? I don't know and don't care.
  4. It's our own job as adults to fight negativity bias. We create it and either we allow it to control us or we don't. On the whole, Quinn is beloved. People scream for him constantly. They throw money at him. His coach defends him to the hilt every step of the way. If he chooses to ignore the 20lbs of positive for the 8oz of negative, that's on him. Toughen up, Gus. We're all counting on you. Don't Kirby Smart your own fucking fanbase.
  5. Who said anything about anyone being "evil"? Soft as baby shit. Spoiled, stupid, privileged white boys who can run their mouths but crumble at any amount of return fire. Actions and words have consequences. Grown men who aren't pussies understand that. He is a representative of the university. He is making conscious choices to endorse hate against students and alumni. Fuck him.
  6. The games are 60% commercials. Also, the "tolerant, much?" shit is 2015 /r/TheDonald stuff. New material needed.
  7. Quinn had run for a 1st already, but yeah... that's fucking hilarious.
  8. I agree completely with this. I expect a good Quinn game vs ASU.
  9. A B- isn't a failing grade or even close to failing. It's doing what you need to do and making a few mistakes while doing absolutely nothing exceptional or impressive. That's what it is. Slightly better than bare-ass minimum. Good job. Polite golf clap. Great win and let's keep it moving. The INT wasn't really Quinn's fault, but a Clemson DB also dropped a ball that Quinn threw right into his hands on the softest, dumbest throw of the game. Regarding the bolded part, he wasn't going to light it up in the air regardless of our running game. Sell that shit to someone who hasn't watched all his games. It's fine, it is what it is. And what it is is thoroughly decent.
  10. 100% this We just watched a game where the guy on the other side, with way less talent against way harder competition, (often) looked absolutely brilliant and we're jumping with joy over a B- performance. It was fine. It was good enough to beat the #12 seed in the 12-team playoff. Anyone who looks at it and genuinely thinks Oregon, Georgia, and Ohio State should be scared are delusional. It's good enough, hopefully. And I do hope it continues and improves so my Longhorns win it all. And when they do, I'll be very appreciative of Quinn's efforts and play. We were sold Lando Norris but we got Gus the Bus Driver. I'm very happy Gus is driving the bus fairly well and I believe Gus can drive that bus to the NC. But don't try to make me think Gus is anything but Gus. Thanks, Gus.
  11. Not going to bother reading all of this thread and I'm sure this disingenuous horseshit has already responded to, but Quinn Ewers is already richer than basically everyone here and 22 isn't fucking 11 years old. If a grown up adult with a ton of money is going to publicly make political statements then he's going to face criticism for stupid, awful political statements. I don't fucking care that he plays football for my school, that's not some magical shield. He's making an intentional effort to inject himself into a larger, highly divisive political issue and he can potentially deal with the awful terror of a few people online calling him a dumb pussy for it. He can dry his tears with his endorsement money made off the back of a disappointing season where he torpedoed his own NFL dreams. Thanks for the championships, bud. Go win a few more games and then fuck off. Christian white nationalism driven by the most cowardly and idiotic of our citizenry isn't suddenly cool because you shakily captained a ship into harbor. "I just wanted to take a swing at people, I didn't want them to swing back!!" Pussies.
  12. This board is hilarious with the "NO CR!" shit. When someone expresses a right-wing opinion in the non-CR areas there is either no reaction or a fairly mild one compared to the reaction when someone says something even centrist, much less leftist. "Hey man take it somewhere else" vs. "FUCK YOU JIHAD NEGS!" Defensive, reactionary, terrified pussies. You know... like Trump himself and how Quinn usually plays against teams we don't clearly physically outmatch. Makes sense, I guess. Birds of a feather. I do enjoy Quinn's Trump advocacy paired with his perpetual "I'm scared you're going to be mean to me" facial expression. They compliment each other nicely.
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