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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by bad_teammate

  1. 4 minutes ago, Valmy77 said:

    Eventually everybody in FBS had amazing facilities, even the "poor" programs.

    Reminds me of the 0-60 war that manufacturers have been in for a while. After about 4 seconds, what are we even really doing? 800 HP... why? I feel like my face is coming off of my body and I'm going to kill people in this thing.

    "We got Hattori Hanzo out of retirement and paid him $800k to make the straight razors we use in the barbershop corner. The strops they use are made from the hides Wagyu cattle fed nothing but sake and organic grains. Stop eyeing the Papa John's pizza boxes and pay attention!"

  2. 3 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

    Doesn’t Bama / Saban purge their roster yearly ?

    Even extremely nice guy Steve Sarkisian does, as well. And incoming coaches look through the commitment lists and tell players either, "You don't have an offer anymore" or "It would probably be in your best interest to open up your recruitment", which is functionally the same thing.

    People are working overtime to find crimes being committed by Sanders here. Meanwhile, he went and talked to his JSU kids face-to-face while the new Cincy guy (or whoever) Facetimed them from the airport.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  3. 56 minutes ago, Grade of D as in David said:

    Do they have midnight yell before the spring game?

    If so who does ol Rock the good ag make fun of? 

    beat the ever livin' (WHOOP!)
    ever lovin' (WHOOP!)

    HELL outta Texas A&M! (confused "WHOOP!?")


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    • Haha 3
  4. 27 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    I'll believe the tons of portal guys coming when I see it that aren't JSU guys.

    I believe ctj 100% when he says their NIL isn't even conceived, much less in an infancy, so big names will need to believe in the Deion narrative to move, and I think selling that narrative to HS recruits is way more feasible than selling it to guys who are already working in the system.

    My bets.

    2023: 4 wins and a top 20 recruiting class (2024)
    2024: 7 wins and a top 15 recruiting class (2025)
    2025: "God has called me to be an agent of change in Starkville, MS..."

    But most importantly, a shitload of entertainment.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Pam Cummings said:

    Have any of you ever had to deal with a self-proclaimed "No BS" person? They always end up being completely full of it. People who truly are no BS don't have to constantly remind you of it.


    An example: Deion warning his players at JSU about the dangers of just hitting the portal without thinking about it, then immediately telling the players at CU to just GTFO.

    Different messages for different audiences with different purposes.

    What is your message when, for the first time, you're walking into the player's room of a 1-11 team? It's going to be some variant of "I want everyone who will not buy in to insanely hard work to get out, because we're going to work insanely hard."

    You can be country white boy Jesus with it. Or you can be super-sincere born-a-teacher with it (the new Grolesh guy has this vibe at USF). You can be matter-of-fact businessman about it. You can be angry screaming guy about it. Or you can be Deion about it.  But at the end of the day, coaches all say basically the same thing because that's just the truth of how things have to go.

    Bo Davis on the ISU bus, "GET IN THE MUTHAFUCKA'! THIS IS REAL!"

    Anyone who genuinely believes that Deion Sanders was actually telling the entire CU roster to leave is an idiot. A straight-up waterhead. Not only is that not what he said, but it doesn't even make sense. This guy has been deep in organized football for 40+ years.

    If I'm walking into that player's room, 1-11 team, knowing a lot of guys on the team didn't even bother to show up to see the new coach, I'm probably not going to be saying, "Gosh, fellas, I'm just so honored to be here and I can't wait to continue the winning tradition! Thanks for the opportunity and I know I have a lot to learn from you guys!"


    • Hook 'Em 6
  6. Quote

    .... and any value that it does have probably appreciated the message. 

    That was part of his speech, too. He mentions how much it sucks for people who give a shit to be in there having to work next to people who don't and that he won't tolerate it. He made them chant the "Smart, Tough" thing and then asked, "Is that you?" to individuals. Pretty clear what was happening and I doubt the roster there was as surprised by it as the talking heads were.

    And any guy who was wounded by that pretty standard coach message probably doesn't have the fortitude to hang out in a Cult of Personality program like any program Sanders runs will naturally be.

    If he really did pull the bookshelf on top of himself, we'll see it in the portal soon enough.

  7. 4 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

    - safe area from racist cops in the south 
    - legal weed
    - very rich area. He’ll draw in non cu people into the program 

    back in the day, cu recruited the worst neighborhoods in cali and it worked 

    "Sooner or later we gotta start changing our addresses, guys."

    It's obvious what part of the sell is going to be: "We'll pay you a little money. Get you exposure. Get you away from dangerous situations where you live. Build your social media. And you'll get to know a lot of rich people who can help you build a real future."

  8. Unless Sanders can somehow go into the negative on wins, the worst he can do is lose one more game than they did in 2022.

    ctj talks about the players walking out of the meeting and calling mom and dad upset... who cares? Why the hell would anyone care if Tanner and Dylan are upset? Why would anyone care if talk radio is upset? Who cares? Who cares if Skip gets on ESPN and goes off? The man wasn't nice to a player's room that looks like a Mrs. Baird's day-old store? No more Tanners and Dylans for him! Mother won't allow that!

    4-stars or higher

    Class of 2022: 0
    Class of 2021: 0
    Class of 2020: 4
    Class of 2019: 1

    Jackson State:
    Class of 2022: 2 (including #1 overall 5-star)
    Class of 2021: 5

    If Sanders clears consistent Top 25 recruiting classes, it's worth every penny for Colorado and every complaint from talking head douchebags that no one should be listening to anyway.

    I'm sure a coaching staff that is too stocked with his friends and an NIL program that doesn't even exist yet will make it harder for him to crack the Top 10-15 in recruiting, but this 1-11 shitpile of a team doesn't need to go that high right now to see dramatic improvement.

    Also, it's going to be entertaining as all hell to watch from a distance.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 31 minutes ago, immamac said:

    I wasn't aware how capable he is at leading a group like that. This is an all timer type of speech. 

    I've watched all of the speeches I could find of his at JSU over the last year and I'm a believer. Not sure I want him at Texas, of course, but that's a HOF player who genuinely believes he is called by god. True or not doesn't matter, it's got power and he is not bullshitting.

    I think every single ass in a seat realizes that he can replace them basically at will. Anyone who isn't terrified of recruiting against him is a fool. I won't say he'll have them in the playoffs within 4 years or anything, and I would consider his desire to just bring his buddies with him as coaches a huge flaw, but this dude is DANGEROUS and is going to be awesome to watch.

    Also, it's hilarious for him to talk about rescuing "the homies" when 1/3rd of that room is named Dakota or Cooper.

    • Haha 1
  10. 18 hours ago, hornlife said:

    Bad_teammate - how heavy do they need to be for that? 

    First off, I'm an idiot who knows nothing.

    That being said... Heavy enough to have the strength to keep a lineman's hands off him, but not heavy enough to be able to plug/hold an inside gap (whereas I'd want a DE to be able to hold a gap at least to SOME extent, but I'd expect my EDGE to get washed out if an interior lineman really got his hands on him). I guess weight numbers there would be frame-dependent?

    What I, a moron, would look for is long "get the fuck off me" arms and lateral speed.

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