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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by bad_teammate

  1. If we could get Urban Meyer, I'd be lead driver in a line of U-Hauls to forcibly remove Steve Sarkisian from Austin. And I actually LIKE Steve Sarkisian and think he is doing a good job to build a better program than we've seen in a long while.

    I'd take him, in a heartbeat, over everyone else, including Saban (due to age).

    The dude's all-time winning percentage is 86% in well over 200 games. He's a god.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. 1 hour ago, shadow_operative said:

    if quinn ewers wasn't a 5* superstar HS QB then nobody in here would be making the case that he's just obviously going to get better and eventually be great.

    I don't know if he'll eventually be great, but yes... obviously.

    - Not checking down
    - Relying on arm over fundamentals
    - Bad reads at the line
    - Getting overwhelmed in big situations
    - Not naturally leading a group of guys who are older/more experienced

    Those ALL sound like pitfalls of a true freshman QB. And one who skipped an entire season of football at that.

    Maybe he never pulls out of it. But the specific fact that he was a 1.000 rated guy makes me think he's more likely to pull up than a walk-on or a 3-star.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  3. I'm fully in the "Quinn is gonna be fine" camp.

    Skipping his senior football season was idiotic in terms of becoming a good player. He's playing as essentially a true freshman with even more limited experience than a normal true freshman. He's playing a really tough schedule. He's got a young line in front of him. He's 19.

    Playing like dogshit right now, sure, but this is what we bargained for when we started all these freshmen. It's not an excuse, it's just reality. Sometimes you get lucky and the true freshman QB looks like a superstar from the beginning and never falters, but that's rare.

    6-4 with two tough games left. Let's see.

    • Hook 'Em 6
  4. Just now, Hook1997 said:

    Worthy is already cashing his NFL checks in his head already..   He doesn’t realize those checks are getting smaller every week and it’s no one’s fault but his own. 

    I genuinely don't know how stupid or smart NFL scouts are, but... the film is the film...

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  5. Just now, Dilligas said:

    How many touches for Bijan? K Rob? Targets to Sanders, Billingsley? Bijan should have had a minimum of 15.

    Bijan wants to run outside and find holes that way, so fucking let him do it.

    Get Sanders the ball within 5 yards and let him do shit.


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