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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by bad_teammate

  1. I read the entire piece and I have no idea what her point is other than, "Meh, no big deal."

    Whites and blacks have basically the same attitude about it, whites slightly more "he shouldn't have done it" than blacks. Blacks identical to Hispanic.

    An interesting breakdown in the provided poll is age difference. Older folks are far more strongly against Smith than younger generations, which is funny since part of the social defense of Smith is how he is "defending his woman" in a more traditional view of society.

    18-29yo: 40% "not acceptable"

    65+ yo: 77% "not acceptable"

  2. It's not even like Jada cheated on Will with some other man. It was one of her son's friends that was living with them because he was screwed up physically and emotionally. The guy was less than half her age and suicidal.

    No excuses for Will on any of it, just laughing at the idea that this 50-year-old predator is such a wilting flower that her husband needs to derail his career and image to "defend" her... all while she's sitting there in a dress that costs more than 5 teacher salaries.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  3. 8 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    In amongst all this somewhere is a discussion on female encouragement/facilitation/promotion of male violence and the role it plays in our society. 

    Women exaggerating offense to encourage male violence is a tale as old as time. Just like the male tendency to play into those idiotic provocations. 

    Fun to see that the wealthy and powerful fall in the same traps as us schlubs.

    Just as dumb as we are.

    we accept you we accept you

    ONE OF US!



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  4. "So me and this other guy are big fans of the Longhorns. He says something like he thinks we're going to be good next year, and I'm like NO WAY and destroy him with a 12,000 word essay on why we're perpetually doomed, all our coaches are idiots, all our players suck, and how it will probably never change. Man, that guy is such an idiot."




    not directed at anyone in particular, just having fun


    • Haha 3
  5. - More time with the coaching staffs to get to understand the system.

    - New QB who knows rap lyrics will improve overall buy-in.

    - New influx of young OL talent motivates OL veterans.

    - Gary Patterson's hire motivates all defensive staff to step up their game.

    - Excellent transfer talent improves position groups.

    Easy 9 wins. It's science.

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  6. They say $8M for a HS athlete is crazy because they're comparing it to pro sports where salary caps are the only reason guys haven't already been getting $100+M/yr deals (being very conservative).

    Imagine Mahomes's recent free agency without a salary cap.

  7. 9 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    Which is probably why he never really lasts very long at any of his stops. He comes in, wins a shit-ton of games running a low-integrity program and then gets out before all the bills come due.

    At Florida, sure, but not anywhere else. Ohio State just kept rolling rolling rolling.

  8. I feel zero shame about being excited about the possibility of him coming to Texas. None.

    He would've won a lot of games. I don't care if he cheats on his wife; not in the slightest. I'd prefer a nicer guy, but I wouldn't really care that much if we were winning a lot. No shame at all.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  9. 9 hours ago, Coelenterate Fuccboi said:

    Just remember, these kids aren’t being paid to play.

    Of course they are paid to play. They always have been. A strong majority of CFB players would not be attending those universities otherwise. I'm not a "scholarships are enough!" guy, but that ain't nothing. Universities give academically-unworthy (in terms of general admissions) people food, lodging, an extremely valuable education, and unbeatable personal marketing opportunities.

    And world-class facilities. And free clothes. And on and on and on and on....

    All BEFORE bags/NIL.

  10. 4 hours ago, Coelenterate Fuccboi said:

    If you haven’t see the difference in the past 10 years I don’t know what to tell you. You’re just looking at the recruiting aspect. The entitlement, which has already been steadily growing as evidenced by all the opting out immediate transfer, will get out of control.

    And until that "entitlement" manifests on the field in some way... don't care.

    I guess an argument could be made that this will "ruin" HS football due to players sitting out to protect NIL deals, but that's a separate question.

    We have amazing CFB players only putting in two years on the field before going to the NFL.


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  11. Not sure what it changes for those who just watch the games and don't really keep up with gossip/drama.

    CFB has never been a sport where the little guy has a decent chance at elite recruits or trophies. BYU in 1984 and I guess Clemson's resurgence. The influence of money has always been a major determinant.

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