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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by bad_teammate

  1. Surly's dream Athletic Department would just be men in suits screaming "WE LOST TO KANSAS!" at each other for 8+ hours a day.

    Sounds like a fun gig, honestly.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  2. 10 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

    You can’t point to any sunshine pumping or motivational quotes in future PCs and say “See, this guy gets it!” You have to disregard everything he says. 

    Yeah, which is what 99% of football fans do by not paying any attention to press conferences.

    There are pieces of actual information any coach gives (injuries, depth chart, etc...), but "coach speak" is just vague answers to even vaguer questions.

    Question: "Did the team buy in?"

    What is a REAL answer to that question? It's 100 different personalities going on and they're all doing things over the course of months. There is no real answer to this, so everything said is mostly BS. Elite coaches to garbage coaches. Straight-shooter coaches to politician coaches.

    Question: "Are you going to get it turned around?"

    How the hell can a coach know the answer to this? I can't see the future. For all I know my team will rally around something and win out, or they'll all get in a huge fight over FIFA. Or the other teams will collapse in their own ways. 

    And on and on and on. We get stupid answers because we ask stupid questions.

    And any real questions will never be answered, for good reason.

    "Between Card and Thompson, which guy has the most support among the players?"

    "Which coach do you have the least confidence in?"

    • Haha 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, Chad said:

    Bo Davis is still popular amongst the Bama fan base, they never wanted to lose him. The older players Bo coached kept that intensity for some time passing it onto younger players, but it eventually began fading. Hell, Saban rips his players new asses when Bama is up by 20+ points, that is where Bo inherited this mentality and I'm glad he's trying to implement it here. It's a shame Bo has coached here during a down period in Texas football not once, but twice because he's passionate about what he does and he's extremely good at doing it too. This upcoming class with the commits on the line is going to bring that intensity and buy into what Bo is teaching.

    This is the kind of stuff that keeps me on the "keep this staff intact and give them 3 years" train. It takes a lot to instill culture, and we are all cynical because we've heard it before, but it is necessary and it has to be done at some point.

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  4. 6 hours ago, Landomatic said:

    I think Deion knows how and when to turn things off and on with his persona. He could be like the Drake of college football. Is Drake the best rapper ever? No, probably not even close. But he can switch from being the whitest Jew in a room full of stiff executives to the most thug brother on the streets with his music, seemingly fairly effortlessly...and damn that dude's successful across a ton of different platforms. Deion, best actual football coach ever? No, probably not even close. But I think he could kill it at a ton of other coaching shit necessary to be really successful.

    I'm down. Give him 3 years at TCU to get him ready.

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