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Posts posted by bad_teammate

  1. 6 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    I’ll restate my position again with this newer info. There’s no need for people to be behind the camera for this shot.  Set it up with a finger gun or a rubber gun, see the light and angles or whatever you need to see, let the actor know where his mark is and how to point the gun into frame.  Then, vacate the area, give him the gun with dummies, roll cameras and get the shot. 

    or if people are really insistent, put them behind the safety shielding.  

    in this instance, the actor had the power to refuse to do the shot with people behind the camera. I get that if someone tells you cold gun you believe it, but how did that work out?  Gun safety shouldn’t stop being followed just because a gun crosses an imaginary line onto a movie set. 

    Or just don't have live projectile ammo on set under any circumstances and have an arm... GUN DUDE clear the guns properly as happens every other set without incident 99.999% of the time a gun is fired dry/blanks.

    There's a focus on "behind the camera" right now because that's what happened in this incident, but there are people standing all over movie sets. And you often need a gun pointed directly at other actors/extras.


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  2. Using the same guns for target practice and on set doesn't seem like a big deal. I can see wanting the actor to get used to that specific gun for the best possible performance. You (armorer, who should be the one in possession of it every nanosecond it isn't in the actor's hand being used) just clear it at the range and carry it empty there and back.

    Having live projectile ammo on set is just baffling. Keep that wherever you're target shooting.

    What? What's the thinking?

  3. 2 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    not only this, but often times actors have vanity production companies and people bring them material.  they help get projects made and they get to be producers to benefit from the profits.  baldwin being a producer (likely one of several) doesn't mean he was "in charge" of everything.

    No way man I'm on a text thread full of guys I follow on Tik Tok that TOTALLY KNOW the truth and they are saying that Baldwin is going to Guantanamo!

  4. 38 minutes ago, Nivek said:


    All I have to do is look up at the American Shooting Center range to know how well people are about gun safety.

    I also went hunting in NE Texas and I was with some other guys, and we saw a huge hog on the side of the road, he asked me to shoot it. I told him I am left handed, as a passenger in a truck and my rifle is unloaded because we are traveling to the blinds. It made me wonder as to how other people travelled with their guns.

    Fully loaded in a rack on the back window in an unlocked truck is precisely how I grew up.

    Grabbing a loaded gun in the right season of the year as an 8-year-old was as easy as opening dad's truck or, if he was gone, walking over to a neighbor's also-unlocked truck. And at 10 I had my own, so no need for dad's. None of us ever shot ourselves or each other. No one acted like any of it was a big deal (because it wasn't).

    I'm not even mocking people for being unsafe with guns; I'm mocking these people for being fucking liars.

  5. 56 minutes ago, williemackgarza said:

    Funny how everyone is so triggered trying to run interference for this pos. Its everyones fault but the guy that was holding the gun, pulled the trigger (allegedly) and owned/paid the filming.

    I think the person primarily at fault, from a moral/ethical standpoint, is the armorer or whoever else was deemed responsible for handling weapons on the set. That's common sense, right? If you were to divorce your politics from the situation and just look at it straight, that's the common sense take.

    The fact that it's an actor you viscerally hate because of politics shouldn't change your estimation of what happened, but it does because you are fully deranged by cultural and political allegiances and conflict.

    I think it's absurd to expect an actor to understand what is going on with the guns. I wouldn't expect Joe Actor to be able to visually tell the difference between a projectile round and a blank. I wouldn't expect Denzel to be able to fly a 747. I wouldn't expect Ryan Gosling to be able to change the spark plugs in a Mustang. They're actors in a world of pretending and make-believe.

    It's someone else's job to the change the oil. It's someone else's job to prepare the props. In his role as actor, Baldwin did nothing wrong.

    Regarding his role as producer, I have no idea what the actual authority structure was and his involvement in any of those decisions. You don't, either. You have what you WANT to believe because of your aforementioned political and cultural psychosis and fury.

    I don't even like Baldwin. I think he's annoying personally. I would rather spend an evening drinking storm runoff out of a culvert than watch SNL. He's been in some amazing movies. He was hilarious in 30 Rock. Whatever, don't care about him.

    I've spent my far-too-lengthy life around guns and gun users/owners so this "I DUTIFULLY CHECK EVERY WEAPON I AM HANDED WITH A 20-POINT SAFETY INSPECTION!" is complete horseshit. I've been hunting too many times. I've been shooting too many times. I've been in the back of a buddy's truck heading out to drive the property too many times. I've been to too many competitions (obviously standards are very good at them). You idiots can sell that shit somewhere else.

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  6. 14 minutes ago, slorch said:

    Assumptions are great, ain’t they?  Maybe they are, maybe they ain’t.  Is acting a profession that is exempt from common safety protocols?  It doesn’t seem like it would be, given all of the stunts they perform and different set# they perform on.

    What are the "common safety protocols" on a set and how familiar are you with them? (And how familiar are you going to pretend to be after some Googling and outrage-focused source-reading?)

    In the decades and decades of shooting movies with guns with vanishingly few injuries/deaths, is it established practice that actors on a set behave the same way as we do at gun ranges and hunts? Do you ACTUALLY inspect every gun a buddy hands to you at a range or in a blind? Every time without fail?

    The posturing here is pathetic and transparent.

    Why would it ever cross an actor's mind that the gun they were handed might be anything other than loaded with blanks? Are they supposed to unload and reload every magazine after inspecting each round? If it helps, imagine it's a different actor you don't hate. Do you think Clint Eastwood double-checked every round in every gun he ever fired on set?

  7. 2 hours ago, Satoshi said:


    lol this guy

    2024 we get a runback of Trump v Biden
    then in 2028 it'll happen again (Biden trying to get his 2nd term and Trump doggedly pursuing a 3rd while Democrats say "erm, uhh, sir?")


  8. 1 hour ago, workswithseed said:

    That's not the reason for my question. You go ahead and be a fuckhead though, it suits you. Unless you're here to tell me that it can't happen, then what is the end goal? Do we wear masks till it's gone for good, or go more extreme like Australia where they're allowed an extra hour of being outside for being vaxed? 

    To reduce COVID to the status of the normal seasonal illnesses we commonly deal with.

    That's my answer, what is yours? What is the end goal of these forces at work (scientists, doctors, etc...)? (Please answer.)

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 1 minute ago, SydneyCarton said:

    No, I majored in something more likely to help me actually make money and be successful.

    It was a joke, dude, Jesus, you don't have to respond shouting about your Dodge Stratus


    How about if I watched the same shit at Washington, then at USC, and then versus Arkansas, TCU, OU, and OSU? Can I say "Here we go again" with proper clarity, in your estimation, sir? When is it "safe" to spot a pattern?

    If the only pattern you're noticing is that "since someone has to lose a zero-sum game, most teams don't win 7+ games" coupled with "the expectations I have for my team involve a level of winning reserved for ~3% of teams per year" then that's fine but as you point out, noticing those patterns is banal and don't lend to an idea that one is an expert for noticing.

    Even MORE banal is the idea you guys have of yourselves that you are the lone prophets noticing that we lost these games. Look how ctj has to invent a whole fictional world in which there is a gang shouting "WE LOVE SARK HE'S AMAZING!" at him when no one is actually doing that at all.

    3 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    Folks here can equivocate, but there's plenty of talent that returned for this season against a mediocre schedule.

    It's not a mediocre schedule. 7th toughest in the nation.

    It's not about you needing to trust, it's just about telling the truth and make sense.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    But in general the idea that humans find patterns that don't exist, implying that therefore patterns overall don't exist, while you then close out with citing a pattern itself about the average number of games a football coach wins, well, that's some real hilarious bullshit.

    Not a philosophy major, I see


    Just so we're clear, you dont think Turtle Tom Herman had any specific patterns of coaching style and decision making that showed up consistently on Saturdays, over the span of 3 years?

    Of course Herman had Herman's faults. 

    What I said was "Strong -> Herman -> Sark is not a pattern". Sark may win an NC next year. He may lose 10 games. Prognosticating that shouldn't factor Herman or Mack or Strong in at all.

    If you watch Sark screwing up and think, "Oh here we go again" you're not looking at it clearly.

  11. Just now, SydneyCarton said:

    I don't understand a world where there should be fucking trust in coaching until a coach has earned it.

    Well, what does it mean for Internet yahoos to "trust" and why does it matter?

    My pretty low standard is, "I will try to avoid actively tearing apart members of Longhorn athletics online in public view without some kind of tremendous provocation". I don't think it's likely that my words here will damage a recruit's (or recruit's influencing family/friends) view, but I also know that my negative analysis is even LESS likely to do anything constructive.

  12. 22 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    It's amazing how many of the exact same posts we're all reading on here that we type and pasted at the beginning of the Charlie Strong regime, as well as when blatant questions started presenting themselves during the beginning of the Herman era.

    Humans find patterns where patterns don't exist. It's how we put ourselves at the center of situations and/or attribute deeper meaning to things that don't actually have meaning. There's a big word for it that starts with an a.

    Strong -> Herman -> Sark is not a pattern except in the larger sense of, "Football teams, for the most part, get 8 wins or fewer per year." as a very normal pattern and "New coaching hires tend not to build championship teams within 3-5 years, if at all."

    It sounds a lot more interesting if we make it seem like an actual pattern and it's way more personally resonant if we can put ourselves into teams "The Realists vs. The Sunshine Pumpers" and fight a Holy War on behalf of our team.

    It's a stupid argument, really, and one that belongs on an entirely different forum.


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  13. 42 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    It's almost like expecting different results is insanity when the entirety of the democratic party upper leadership hasn't changed in more than a decade.


    The calls to power went in before South Carolina and then again on Super Tuesday. It was written, now it's playing out

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 14 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    Right now we're 4-5 and don't know it...

    You have absolutely no way of knowing this and, by your own admission, your own predictive capabilities regarding our team have already failed this year. 

    Regarding "feigned devil's advocacy trolling"... that's a string of words that doesn't make sense. But trying to figure out what you thought you were saying, I'm a fan of UT football. A "hey, go to the football board threads dedicated to whining about Sark to whine about Sark instead of doing it in recruiting threads" is a logical position for a UT football fan to have in a recruiting thread. There's an entire forum dedicated to pretending to know what is going to happen on the field. Go there and do the thing.


    If Texas is 8-3 heading into that game, you can mock me and I'll happily enjoy it.


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