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Posts posted by bad_teammate

  1. 12 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    Look, groverat, we all know that you love all coaches mindlessly irrespective of performance and can't handle it when they come under legitimate criticism by the fanbase. You've always uncritically admired guys in the HC role at Texas because you've always been a title queen. We get it, but the rest of us can form our own opinions.

    Just making things up to be mad about.

    Why are you continually filling your diaper in the recruiting board? Go to the whining threads in football.

    • Haha 7
  2. 3 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    So basically they are stepping on their own dicks when they have full control of government. 

    They don't have strong leadership or vision. This is what happens, Larry.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. 28 minutes ago, RDCanecutter said:

    I am currently using my sub-clones to do stuff like yard work and cleaning the gutters, but as soon as they're done then yes absolutely I'm sending them out to kill everybody, AND root around in jewelry boxes and sock drawers.


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  4. 6 minutes ago, PassiveAggressiveCoach said:

    I'd get the vax if not infected before especially if in a high risk group. Why risk it? Well, unless your teenage boy and I think the risk of the vax in that population is worse than odds of bad covid outcomes.

    Do you think that because of data you've seen?

    Probably not.

    Hospitalization rates were 10 times higher among unvaccinated than among fully vaccinated adolescents.

    Not that COVID is a huge threat to teens, of course, but it's a much bigger threat than the vaccine.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 1 minute ago, PassiveAggressiveCoach said:

    how is that? most of these businesses would not be risking all this unless the pressure from the govt and the upcoming mandate. Most businesses still aren't requiring it and will not until forced by the govt. They know the headache and shitstorm it is going to cause with chunks of their employees.

    Plenty of businesses mandate vaccines even without the threat of gov't intervention. You're OK with that, even thought it destroys people's livelihoods which earlier you were claiming was a problem. Just pointing out disingenuousness.

  6. 5 minutes ago, PassiveAggressiveCoach said:

    I think employers should be able to do what they want more or less and if vaccine is mandated then that's fine. Now if that mandate is forced upon private business by the govt then I have an issue with that.

    So the whole "BUT THEIR LIVELIHOOD!" thing was kind of BS huh?

  7. Outside the context of a society or job, if I've got great antibody numbers from natural immunity it doesn't make sense to get a vaccine. If I'm on a ranch with my family and my cattle, why would I get a vaccine?

    As soon as I want to enter society, however, it's no longer just about me. My behaviors necessarily change to confrom to social necessity.

    It's very simple.

    • Hook 'Em 7
  8. 7 minutes ago, PassiveAggressiveCoach said:

    Name calling. Very high level debate here. Although slightly higher level than the few wishing death upon me. So much anger and triggering. 

    You don't really have credibility to complain about people trolling you when your entire schtick is trolling.

    Do you actually believe that businesses should be disallowed by the government from making vaccination records a factor in employment decisions? Yes/No

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 1 hour ago, PassiveAggressiveCoach said:

    Liberals for choice for their bodies until they're not. 

    I notice you skipped the post that had logical points for you to argue with and instead chose to focus on a bullshit distraction.

    It's almost like your entire purpose is to troll. STRANGE!

    1 hour ago, PassiveAggressiveCoach said:

    When you threaten someone's livelihood that's forcing the vaccine. People have to have jobs for their families. Don't be obtuse. 

    A labor-protection argument? I like it! If only you weren't a disingenuous troll, we could probably have an interesting discussion.

    A company as a duty to protect its employees and customers from transmissible disease. Because of this, they require vaccination records of employees. It is the choice of business owners and managers to do this, and the tension between worker rights and business needs is ever-present. Do you actually, sincerely believe that businesses should not be able to demand vaccination records as a factor in employment decisions? Try to have a sincere belief and express it without concern from posturing and trolling.

    Try to take intellectual steps beyond the ripostes you have copied from elsewhere on the Internet.

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  10. The question of the efficacy of natural immunity vs vaccine immunity doesn't really have much to do with the question of vaccine mandates because the vaccine mandate is a question of social policy, which is the management of populations.

    Some important factors:

    1 - People lie
    2 - Giving uninfected+unvax people natural immunity is significantly more dangerous than giving them the vaccine
    3 - The vaccine, while less effective, is good enough to accomplish the job if given at extremely high rates

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  11. 8 minutes ago, maninblack said:

    Liberty is possible but unless there's some underlying health issue he's at virtually no risk of dying from Covid complications which I'm sure is a bummer to most of the respondents I'm this thread.

    Yeah I don't think COVID will get him but maybe a gun in the mouth as the idiotic choices he's made come crashing down on him.

    Hope it doesn't happen, though, because it's awful when it does.


    damn Lobo beat me, and with a better post

    sorry Lobo

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