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Posts posted by bad_teammate

  1. 2 minutes ago, Amobie said:

    In this past case, you had a kid that was visited by the police 36 times so he was identified as a potential problem well before the incident occurred.  He should have been institutionalized. 

    Love to defend the Constitution by advocating that people literally be locked up by state authority without being guilty of a crime.

    "I need an invasive police state to protect my guns!" - Very Smart Libertarian Brain

    10 minutes ago, udaydanceparty said:

    Not really..  It's pretty obvious they are getting plenty of help and this is political AstroTurfing. 

    Yes, they are getting help from adults who share their message and support them. It says a lot about the Shag right that they're incapable of understanding people wanting to work together towards a common cause. It's almost like the Shag right is made up of bitter losers who are friendless and whose families would rather die than talk to them about anything meaningful.

    "There are organizations of supportive people? COMMUNISM!"

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Mike "Wags" Wagner said:

    Right. Whatever dude. Hogg lies every time he opens his fucking mouth. The Cuban immigrant lies every time she opens her fucking mouth. You are ok with Kasky's dad making an ass out of himself similar to Kyle, that's fine. You are a fucking hypocrite, got it.

    Shag Right-Winger Playbook:
    - Say something dumb and/or racist.
    - Be proven wrong.
    - Bitch, whine, cry, and ratchet up the hateful rhetoric in the vain hope no one will notice how stupid you are because they are distracted by your howling.

    Translates perfectly to the new board.

    Emma Gonzalez is not an immigrant, you racist fuck.

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  3. 9 minutes ago, Mike "Wags" Wagner said:

    Cam's dad responding to a victim's father.

    Click the link and follow the thread of conversation. it's the direct opposite of what you're trying to present.

    1) Orrin Hatch tweeted.
    2) Kasky (gun control dad) responded to Hatch's tweet.
    3) Petty (anti gun control dad) responded to Kasky's tweet directed at Hatch and tagged in the NRA to boot.
    4) Kasky responds to Petty

    Keep trying.

    Why do you think it's the anti-gun-control side of the Parkland community that is the nastiest and meanest? (Remember the kid who lied about CNN editing his question and his dad who literally edited an e-mail from CNN to make it seem like CNN lied? See Kashuv going after the survivor whose sister died? It's a weird trend that I'm sure means nothing, right?)

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, Brian Fantana said:

    Would that neo-Nazi have driven his car through protesters if the protesters weren't there?

    Forgive me if it's not Stupid Fucking Questions Day, I'm just trying to play along.

    Careful, boy, you're gonna cut yourself on that edge.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    Would anyone know who Milo was if he wasn't shouted down?

    Milo became well-known before his campus tour, and the Mercers had already given him millions for his campus trolling tour.


  6. Just now, Cheeseweasel said:

    Stopping someone from speaking only makes them a martyr and probably has the opposite effect of what is intended. 

    Silencing and deplatforming can work extremely well. Think of how many libs have been shouted down on FOX and how many times they've not allowed lib voices. Did that turn their audience towards becoming more sympathetic to libs? Hell no.

    Milo was shouted down and deplatformed and where is he now? Is he a huge ideological leader or a broken sideshow?

  7. 1 minute ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    So the loudest voice determines what is considered acceptable? 

    In a given venue, that can be the case, yes. What else would you even propose, some panel of government judges going onto private message boards and setting the rules and boundaries for discussion?

    Dude, just say, "It makes me sad when people say things I don't like" and move on.

  8. 1 hour ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    That sounds good, but who gets to decide what is racist, sexist, etc.

    By many measures, this site would be considered sexist as hell. Should we shout down those who want to post tites?

    If someone wanted to come here and talk about how sexist and racist this site is (which it proudly is on both accounts), they would get shouted down, negged, and banned. It happens already.


    11 minutes ago, PilotsError said:

    Haven't read this thread, but it's obvious we're heading to a civil war.  Let's just get to it, slaughter the anti gunners, and rebuild from the ashes.

    Have you noticed that one side gets marchers by the millions and the other side gets a handful of fat 'beetus patients? How do you think it would actually turn out for you Internet Keyboard Warriors?

    The center-right/center-left would cheer the boys in blue and military as they systematically dismantle the 'beetus militias causing trouble and your revolution would be a hilarious and sad footnote. Or do you think the police and military are going to wholesale slaughter a bunch of unarmed white protesters?

    What percentage of you Internet tough guys would actually go to war? 1%? 0.5%? You fucking bitches can't even show up to counter-protest a bunch of moms and kids.

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  10. 19 minutes ago, Mike "Wags" Wagner said:

    Hilarious that Kasky would cite this as a reason for not wanting to debate considering his side is using the name(s) of other children without the consent of their families.

    Honoring a person is the same as attacking them?


  11. The right loves to bash the shit out of the pro-gun-control kids. I haven't seen anyone go after the anti-gun-control kids, however. But if there's a kid who is out of line, it ain't one the gun control ones.

    Jamie Guttenberg (14), was killed in the shooting. Her brother, Jesse, managed to escape.

    Kyle Kashuv, a Parkland student, was mentioned over on the Shag. He has spent the last couple of weeks going after classmates, by name, online and on television.


  12. 3 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."

    -James Mattis

    So when people quote this piece of insanity, they're doing so because they think it's cool? I'm not sure, because it's insane. And this is supposed to be the grown-up.

  13. 31 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    My life is in Huntsville.  I live in a rural area. 

    I am active in a civic club which is about a third Black and our projects help kids who are, I would guess,  disproportionately Black.

    Sounds great, so why do you advocate taking those kids away from their parents and putting them in state-run orphanages? Seems weird.

    Do you know who pays the Milos of the conservative world to go to college campuses? Is it because it's part of an organic campaign within those universities to present differing viewpoints? Or is it astroturfing paid for by billionaires?

    • Fuck You 2
  14. 1 minute ago, TahoeHorn said:

    You have no understanding of my civic involvement.

    You bring donuts to Republican meetings. That is how you've presented it.

    But I'd be fascinated to know what civic involvement you have in your all-white community that brushes you up against any type of idea that challenges your fragile sense of self.

    I think diversity of opinion and thought is fantastic. You will find no better venue for a diversity of voices than a college campus. Find the most narrow-minded lib university and there is zero reasonable doubt it is home to more varied ideas than Hazel Green, Alabama, and find the most narrow-minded lib university you can and they will be more tolerant of dissent than Hazel Green, Alabama.

    An honest question: Who pays Milo to come to campus? Who fronts the cash? Do you have any idea? Is it an organic source of income from within the campus community or is it astroturfing paid for by the Kochs, Mercers, or similar? Do you know?

  15. Just now, TahoeHorn said:

    I've never promoted white supremacy.

    Yeah, mmhmm. You just bring the fucking donuts.

    You have situated your entire life to be a fucking safe space. You live in a tiny town that is almost pure white (94%) and with low poverty (4%) and you're the pathetic lackey of the local political party that completely dominates the ideological landscape of your chosen safe space area. Your grand outreach to other ideologies is to go on the Internet and talk to other college-educated white people.

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  16. 15 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    I think the idea that shouting down people with views you don't share or attacking them personally is horrendous.  I do not feel threatened by opposing views and don't understand why others do.

    A conservative white man in the Deep South who actively works to promote white supremacy isn't scared of opposing views, so why would anyone be? lol

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