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Everything posted by Hitch

  1. Some days I’m with you. Today isn’t one of those days.
  2. Of course he’s back in the sweet 16 and we’re starting over from scratch. Again. You can’t make this bullshit up.
  3. Xavier fans are pissed that he’s leaving, that’s usually a good sign.
  4. Nice, grabbing some cartel money for a large buyout imo.
  5. Yeah, it has shockingly underachieved compared to our other sports programs.
  6. Being a freshman in 2005 really fucked up my Texas sports expectations for life.
  7. Maybe I was just harking back to a time when my kids were younger during the first Moana, but I actually enjoyed this movie.
  8. He’s already fired, everyone knows it.
  9. Does Greenland count?
  10. Drove a Tesla Plaid tonight. Musk’s a dick but man that was a nice car. My buddy didn’t want to put it in cheetah mode, so I can’t verify the 2.4 0-60. Probably best I didn’t test it tbh.
  11. It’s interesting, there seems to be the belief that the gender “war” has been won among my Republican friends. They are ecstatic about the banning of men in women’s sports. The term tranny also seems to be making a comeback as well, so there’s a lot of gloating going on lately.
  12. Yeah, that’s very misleading. I would’ve skipped on by shaking my head in disgust, so thanks for this note.
  13. This guy fucking sucks.
  14. We’re getting worse. That’s the hallmark of a shitty coach.
  15. Some of my experiences at the Taco Cabana on Riverside made me question if there’s a god.
  16. This is fucking awful.
  17. Bragg was actually really successful during the Mexican War. But even then, there were attempts on his life by his own soldiers. So, yeah, he was definitely an asshole.
  18. No, because we’ll remember that Terry was the coach.
  19. This is one of those Mark Twain “give a man a reputation as an early riser” situations I discovered some yeas ago. My wife’s family lives in Calgary and I was blown away by the amount of assholes I encountered.
  20. Sounds like Croup. My son (8) had it a couple weeks ago and one of the main symptoms is this weird barking cough.
  21. Damn, I was a sophomore in college when we won the NC. Best night of my life, that had to suck being 10.
  22. That part could get a little dicey. Homan made it pretty clear that anyone caught aiding them puts themselves at risk of prosecution. Same here, I only learned the bad words.
  23. Canned food and/or supplies. A lot of them are staying home and hiding, so that needs to be a priority.
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