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Everything posted by HellesBier

  1. Not sure if it was a drone or a missile but something hit Kyiv early this morning and killed a mom and her 2 children. Russia is getting through to Kyiv for the first time in awhile.
  2. Haha sorry man on a busted phone in Ukraine. You know what I meent.
  3. Why get a pork chop when you can get a steak or a steak burger. Pork is an inferior meet. Steak is best paired with wine. SO, I in fact, have never "crushed a Friday lunch special pork chop and followed up with a couple of spicy margs after a rough week".
  4. Brush up on your Arabic! Pro tip, head to Eastern Europe.
  5. Youre right not enough avo toast and vegan smoothies.
  6. Y'all we have a serious fucking problem here in Ukraine right now. Every once in awhile, whilst I am traveling around, I get a craving for some dirty American exported brand junk food. So, I hopped on to the Dominos Ukraine website here in Kyiv to see what my options looked like. They had a Texas pizza. I am in disgust, actually bedridden, sick to my stomach and at the cusp of writing an email to the Dominos Ukraine food team. Look at this. LOOK AT THIS. CORN?!?! On a Texas pizza? I'm sick.
  7. Talked to some NGO/former military guys and there are concerns right now that Russia has upgraded their drones as they are getting further and past the defense systems right now. Like I mentioned 4/5 nights ago 70ish drones made it to Kyiv. They all got shot down, but Kyiv has been very quiet for a long time. A game of adjustments it is.
  8. This is a good post. I myself become more moderate daily, skeptical of everything I hear, understanding that decisions are made only to benefit govts which are owned by individuals/corporations and we are fed the lies to justify them.
  9. yea I was thinking that as well as maybe somewhere in Africa but then that isnt really the MO down there
  10. Where do you think the most heavily mined place on earth is right now? Is not Bosnia, not Ukraine, then where?
  11. Not anytime relevant to the wars, 2017. Dont remember in particular but it was going from the Croatian border into Bosnia. I know on the Bosnian side under the mountain we hiked there was a bunker/airfield from Yugo.
  12. It is beautiful watching @Brian Fantanagetting ganbanged like that white slut but the 5 black dudes memes. Sent with love, like a drone, from Ukraine
  13. I’m glad we have you with your special intelligence giving us live accurate updates with absolute authority! We are surly a lucky group!
  14. True but I don’t have much experience in France.
  15. To be fair the Donbas region and Kharkiv etc are at the opposite ends of the spectrum. I imagine places like Mauripol are a hellacious hell scape . Kyiv has time to shoot down incoming missiles etc and those places do not. The ground there will take god knows how long to demine. There are still minefields in Bosnia.
  16. So I have been in Kyiv a week now. Pretty incredible how normal people go about life. I mean obviously you can’t stop and just hide in your house. Kyiv is also pretty far from the front lines. My buddy that I came here with is high up in the decision making tree of the special operations group here. Have been able To go out with him twice. Incredible stories about some of the stuff they are doing. He confirmed that they did not hack the Russian train system and that the Russians are just idiots and don’t follow any sort of rules or guides. I asked him about drone donations and he said to get a drone fully up and running it’s about a minimum of $1500. I am going to donate that to him, they have an official bank account with swift aiBN numbers and they will write any message you want on the drone and film it in use if they can. Will also send pictures. His brother has been in Liberia and Somalia and train all over the US at our bases. I also see and can pick out Americans here in kyiv and see a couple a day. Two of them yesterday had a missing leg each. You can tell that American military civilian dress code a mile away. One was wearing a “Watagua Medics” hat. One of my other best friends from Texas was here in a medic capacity during the first invasion so i imagine he was doing exactly what they are doing ten years ago. there has only been one alarm that has gone off, 2 nights ago the Russians sent about 60 drones and the Ukrainians took every single one of them out. people can definitely tell im foreign. Had one guy come up and just want to talk. Other than that people definitely look, assume im sort of military and carry on. these are really strong people and I admire their values, traditions, identity, and strength. I have never seen more women walking around with flowers and men holding the hands of their women. Old school values here. Oh yea I’m typing from a phone with a cracked screen so any typos or just horrible autocorrects I can’t see so apologies.
  17. Lots of explosions in Kharkiv yesterday. Nothing in Kyiv however.
  18. I am buying some drones and they are going to engrave my name in them. They won’t be FPV but they will be ones they will drop greandes with. They will take a picture with it and your name. If anyone is interested you can DM me. Slava Ukraine.
  19. Dont discredit their food either, that shit fucks. Caucasus boys are meat fed from birth.
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