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Everything posted by HellesBier

  1. Dont discredit their food either, that shit fucks. Caucasus boys are meat fed from birth.
  2. I will be in Kyiv saturday at 12:00. Will post photos.
  3. From a boat in Croatia, fuck Michigan!
  4. Well I think spelling it correctly helps you somewhat with the gals down south.
  5. You still drinking from last night? Go to bed.
  6. Maybe you are the little bitch?
  7. They are bleeding heart, no questions asked, full on liberals who get told how to act, what to think, and which cause to support. The fact that the right has become the party of resistance and questioning tells you a lot. Don't pay them one second of attention other than to laugh. Let them rot under bridges as California gives them a pizza and free showers for their vote.
  8. https://www.timesofisrael.com/poll-66-of-israelis-want-netanyahu-to-leave-politics-85-support-oct-7-probe/ Again, it just looks like you are a kite flying in the wind. Who is the one spreading the narrative here? Why is it so inconceivable that maybe Israelis aren't what you are painting them as? What do you have against Israelis? Maybe you dislike Jews and this is just a narrative to jump on?
  9. But I already have told you the state can do wrong. So are you just pushing your narrative to paint me in a box? I get not posting this as it doesnt support your position. So let me help you, rationale sir. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/sep/03/israel-protesters-netanyahu-gaza-war It is hard for you to pivot and attack when you realize I am not a blind supporter so I will understand when you keep pushing the same argument.
  10. Hmm....a couple soldiers going rogue (happens here in America as I am sure you are aware) or a world wide religion that supports suppression of women's rights.....nice comparison my man.
  11. I stopped reading after the second paragraph. Can you point to where I have said what I support can do no wrong? Nowhere did I say Israel can do no wrong and I support some other theories that call into question the power grip Israel has on US politics. I said, and I will repeat it again for you, that I support the side that doesnt rape women openly as punishment and call for the jailing of them for being heard speaking aloud. There is a lesser of two evils here. Would you like the long or short version?
  12. It looks like we agree on many things. I will take a leap on something we dont agree on. As I mentioned above, we once dropped atomic bombs on an enemy and at the time there were many discussion around a simple question....do we do it or do we not. The doctor behind it all understood that creating great destruction and pain in the short term would save long term pain and destruction. We can watch this happen for another 3000 years or we can rip the bandaid off. As far as who I want to be ripping the bandaid off in victory, well, not the people that act like its still 1300 who are wreaking havoc in Europe and who think raping women as a form of punishment and jailing them for making eye contact is acceptable. The Israel - Palestine outcome still has much to be debated but I am very glad you and the other liberals in this thread had no influence on past events, such as Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  13. It is the chicken or the egg. Youre taking neutrality and using that argument as some sort of morale superiority. You are not being honest if you believe there will be justice or peace. What we will see for sure is more suffering and death on both sides for a very long time.
  14. You ever seen the movie “The Patriot”? I assume you have. I assume you can understand the justice one wants should they have to suffer burying their children. 6 hostages were found today murdered. Now I’m sure you’re going to retort with some sort of conspiracy or how it’s a political tool so let’s get in front of that. But if one of them was your 24 year old daughter, what lengths would you go to to feel at Peace? The world should fear the lengths I would go to to make sure those people felt slow slow pain. A bomb would be too quick a deaths
  15. Woof, resorting to internet tough guy talk. Typically speaking, I would take about any Eastern European over an American in terms of toughness. I mean, it sounds like not only would you suck dick but you would fondle the balls in the name of protecting people who will be setting off bombs in a train that your grandchildren could be in. I know the Polish wouldn’t think that way. But hey I guess this is a long way to go to say I’ll take my chances. Especially if they are Army.
  16. This is quite a jump and I don’t know why there isn’t some understanding of a middle ground. I stated the easiest way for this to be over on either side is pretty simple and if it doesn’t happen this war will just go on and more women and children will die over the course of the next 5000 years. You probably would have protested the atomic bombs being used. Much like Dr Oppenheimer said that using such force would convince the world into peace. Sometimes the noblest pursuit isnt the best route. Are they the transgender ones doing TikTok videos because that would make sense.
  17. Alright if we’re keeping it strictly yo Gaza and you truly want this to,end forever there is a solution but you and others won’t like it. History is riddled with societies that didn’t make it. You could say the same for Israel. As long as both parties are around it won’t stop. Next question for you as it seems you don’t have the stomach for one side or the other to actually finish things. Would you rather this conflict last forever?
  18. Honestly, the latter would solve this very quickly. But like I said, that would just end this conflict, and it would likely up the involvement of players in the region.
  19. I watched Hurt Locker on my flight to Copenhagen last night. Reminds of the scene where the taxi pulls up and the driver eventually gets thrown on the ground and arrested. “If he wasn’t an insurgent he is now” Great quote. I don’t think militarized borders will do the trick. The problem is much greater and it somewhere starts and ends with Iran. Even more so it’s just the relationship between Islam and Judaism. If the Iranian regime was naturally replaced with good intoned politicians, do we really believe some other state wouldn’t sponsor terrorism? the only thing in my mind that makes me think no is that the Muslims in Qatar and UAE have figured out that fucking goats and living like it’s 1300 isn’t as cool as a fuck ton of money and if they want a fuck ton of money they have to attract foreign money and they’re doing a good job of it. I had 3 hours of sleep, I’m typing on my phone, I’m not proof reading this.
  20. Alright, serious question. These people are never going to stop. A ceasefire stops this conflict and women and children live. Another one will start tomorrow. What is your solution?
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