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Everything posted by HellesBier

  1. Weird, the left wants fake votes to stuff the ballots? Get out of here with that nonsense.
  2. I can look at Ukraine and look at the democrats and not think everything is black and white. Why is that so hard for you. Republicans have been after the Russians since the 50s. I understand that is very hard for you to understand and I appreciate the insult brother, it says a lot about you.
  3. God forbid someone has a different opinon. The party of tolerance, right?
  4. Thanks brother. Admitting that in this cesspool echo chamber of self flatulating snakes is a rather bold move. Appreciate the compliment brother.
  5. Oh and I did masturbate so technically I did fuck myself and it was lovely.
  6. I am back in Texas from Ukraine to vote and I did for Donald Trump. It is a tradition to vote with my dad. I will most likely head back to Ukraine to help while you will sit on tinder. Congrats on being a liberal I guess. That is about the nicest thing I can say about that.
  7. Your President has only visited the border once in 50 years https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-has-joe-biden-visited-us-mexico-border-only-once-1800451 He doesnt give a fuck and every illegal in is a way to bribe another vote for the left. I am sure you will have a rebuttal but I dont care.
  8. 🤣 youre incredible, stay special I agree, but do you know who loves open borders for fake votes?
  9. I love how everyone in this echo chamber goes off on Trump running illegal shit and zero talk of the liberal illegal immigrant vote. Just a echo chamber of gooners in here.
  10. Voted today with my father. Straight Repub. It was beautiful.
  11. She torpedoed her chance of winning when she got in front of a camera. She toast, mate.
  12. I never go to the cloak room. Just commenting on the ridiculousness of these people to complain about people making money. It is so obvious they are just entitled bottom feeders. No worries it is my last comment about it.
  13. You are arguing with poor, entitled...and for the most part liberal people. The idea of working hard and reaping the rewards is as foreign as Cantonese. Dont bother.
  14. Getting in fights and spending money on pussy that isnt even yours? What is the saying? Undefeated?
  15. I didn't say that, it was his Ivermectin comment, try not to be so reactionary.
  16. Never taken it, no idea. Once again, just because I am not bleeding left doesn't make me the extreme right either. This is exactly the problem with this site.
  17. Don't you know that Pharma companies have our best interest at heart?
  18. My Canadians got their first Russians a couple days ago 5bc8fbe9d3554003ba8b754f39130837.mov
  19. My bad! Sorry @Red Five but also fuck the idiot who said what he said
  20. You also said that Tre Wisner was going to be encouraged to look around (which I am SURE you will refute) so your opinions are kind of shittier than assholes
  21. I love how everyone is like "fuck the police" but even while innocent until proven guilty it's talk to the police and cooperate! The mental gymnastics would make aggy proud.
  22. I love that the "oh he doesnt immediately agree with us so he must think that shooting at hurricanes will solve it". Do you realize that when you say shit like this you are just as crazy as the people you think you are protecting America from? You mother fuckers a looney tunes. But hey kamala is great!
  23. There is still shit happening but the ukes keep a lid on it. The Ukrainians I am with told me a couple of nights a go a military train was hit that had a couple hundred casualties. That shit doesnt get out because they want Western support. I cant confirm it but they sent me the telegrams. I take everything with a grain of salt.
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