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Everything posted by HellesBier

  1. I dont know why youre focused on semantics but I can only imagine it is because you dont agree with me. I merely made the difference to highlight that I have spent time in competing agenda sides within the ME.
  2. I dont have twitter as I have already said but i am not shocked you didnt read. I dont have cable. I spent quite a bit of time in Israel and event dated one for a bit of time. I am not what you think I am although I know you so desire to paint me with the brush that makes you comfortable. I have also spent some time in the middle east. I am not Islamophobic, another hot topic phrase you are fed to throw at people, but I dont think Muslims that come to the US and dont assimilate are good for our future. God forbid I view their agenda as maybe a CONFLICT OF INTERESTS with the US agenda. I am sure you will come back to repeat some liberal rhetoric to explain how have an American agenda that doesnt align with the Muslim world and putting American interest firsts is somehow bad for Americans and the west.
  3. Any man who wears a jersey of another man is a cuck.
  4. To be fair, when I was living in Europe we did a ton of drugs. We didn't have to deal with bending the knee to Muslims running the countries though. That is a new phenomena brought on by weak minded progressive westerners.
  5. In response to Inka, if they are US citizens that topic becomes much more of a slippery slope and you dont want the govt to have the power to just get rid of anyone they can classify as a terrorist. I do think there is a difference in Americans protesting our involvement meaning our military going to war in lets say Iraq or Afghanistan versus guests in our country openly supporting someone that would see our country cease to exist. Those people should be gone forever no questions asked. Citizens of America who openly root for organizations that we are at war with.... like a Hamas or Hezbollah.... should be dealt with. Yea you have freedom of speech. A guy holding a sign that says free Palestine is most likely just caught up in that particular movement. Hell I would go hold up a sign for some hot Lebanese pussy. Dressing up as Hamas and or Hezbollah and attacking cops and looting should face consequences. Having people in our Congress who support it is the real problem. Someone is funding these movements. Nobody was rioting in the streets for Palestine before they decided to murder a bunch of teenagers at a music festival. They were busy on the previous movement. I just don't understand how, unless you are a progressive lefty you are a racist, homophobic, xenophobe but if you hate America and police and western society you are a freedom fighter.
  6. That is great that they don't scare you. I wouldn't say I am scared of them. But it is a problem and it is only going to get worse if we just sit back and pretend like there arent cracks.
  7. I know it is not what I said. I also did not say deport citizens. Honestly, if there are people who are citizens and they are clearly supporting terrorist organizations, we should be reviewing our process to citizenship. Why are we allowing people to become citizens that clearly don't have our best interest. The crazy thing is, 20 years ago this would have been a very logical thought process. Now, it is racist or xenophobic, but we clearly don't have a breakdown in our system and our country is stronger than ever.
  8. But I guess allowing people to move into your country who want to see its demise is reasonable. And we wonder why we are headed on the path that we are. Well I don't wonder.
  9. I didn't say they should be deported for freedom of speech. I said if they genuinely don't have America's best interest in their heart, they should go. That is pretty reasonable. Also, should freedom of speech be protected when that person is a guest in our country and openly rooting for terrorist organizations that certainly don't have America's interest at heart?
  10. I am not on Twitter. Just look at donations to our Universities and what countries they are coming from. Always follow the money. Our enemies know that in the modern age you don't fight conventional wars. You destroy something from the inside by breaking it of all values and identity. Look around my friend.
  11. I am not anti immigrant. I am a first generation American. Something that was always made very clear to me is that we are American. That we were to assimilate. I don't believe America benefits long term by having people within its borders that genuinely don't have Americas best interest at heart. There is a war being fought to destroy America from the inside and this is how it will be done. Where should they go? I dont give a fuck, just send them on a one way flight to Antarctica.
  12. I was called a fat crustacean by an Algerian woman recently. It honestly fucking killed me. Super funny insult that only a non native English speaker can come up with.
  13. Considering I spent 3 years in Colombia, me.
  14. Yea, he's obviously a gay.
  15. Im going to tell my kids this is Pablo Escobar.
  16. This response isnt getting any love and its a god damn crime.
  17. Yes, be more healthy by avoiding one of the most nutrient dense sustenance on the planet. We totally evolved to 2024 by eating fucking lettuce.
  18. who the fuck does something called meatless mondays?
  19. I don't even have kids but thinking about how I will someday and some of this posts are close to tear inducing. Kind of like the my dog is awesome thread. Also, fuck them kids. Now I feel better. Helles out.
  20. We will find a way to fuck it up. Euros in Germany this summer was incredible. I would recommend putting Euro 2028 on your schedule. Being cohosted by Ireland/England/Scotland. World Cup 2030 is cohosted by Portugal/Spain/Morocco. These tournaments really should be hosted by soccer countries. Russia and Qatar were shames. US World Cup will be fun, but prices, cost of travel, distance of travel, no public transportation, etc is going to keep a lot of people out that would normally make it fun. The opening game in Munich this summer had 5% of the Scottish population in Munich. Kilts and bagpipes blazing. That wont happen in the US.
  21. Euros/World Cup are much more fun
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