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Everything posted by ISUCyclones

  1. I'm a little bummed, I knew they were about out of the MGP stuff around that time so I went to the distillery and grabbed 3 more bottles, not fully knowing it would literally be gone the next week. The folks at the distillery played a little cagey with me as well when i asked how much stock was left, should have grabbed more. It would sit on shelves here all day for 45 bucks a few years ago. I'm pretty sure I wrote on this page to stock up because it was going away a couple months before it did, should have taken my own advice.
  2. First of a few celebratory pours for my adopted nearby team I suppose. Bears aren't ever doing shit. Go Bengals, who dey
  3. Rittenhouse is great in a Manhattan, I assume it would be decent neat.
  4. Looking at a few groups quick it looks like going rate is between 375 to 450. People asking above that arent selling
  5. You overestimate the value of tater time. Some people I know in bourbon groups love to do that shit to talk to people in line and "build friendships", blows my mind.
  6. Not his best game....always a roller coaster
  7. If you open it let me know how it is, this has been sitting on the shelf for a few weeks now and I haven't pulled the trigger.
  8. My smartass answer got hit with the tapa double too, karma I suppose
  9. You must really need an answer here
  10. You must really need an answer here
  11. I saw a receipt posted, I'm thinking it was 190 out the door or so. Not bad for 20 year 4 roses goodness. They lasted pretty much all day in the gift shop (had a shit load apparently), I'm a little annoyed I didn't drive down to get one.
  12. I can't imagine the line at the property about now...
  13. I'm not actually sure, it's nice not having to know that though, I won't lie
  14. I've come across 1 or 2 of the proofs, but didn't pull the trigger since it was some expensive ass makers. I've been mostly buying shelf stuff and being selective on releases lately
  15. Yeah....over secondary would be a pass
  16. Gotta say, I may need to hit you up next year for ofbb since I lost both my contacts and have one on the way, you have some serious work put in down there.
  17. 8am for opening/selling when? The jackasses around me start lining up the night before to camp out. And don't even always know what will be put out the next day
  18. Frustrating season with dumb losses. A great group of seniors that really turned iowa state football around, but damn what could have been this year...
  19. I don't know what the fuck that abomination is but can promise I've never seen it in Iowa
  20. ISUCyclones

    Ames, IA

    Sorry you had a bad experience my man, usually opposing fans love the tailgates at isu. I'm guessing tensions were a bit high due to the conference situation (I wasn't there). I saw the kids on TV with the horns down and personally think it's dumb and an aggy thing but what can you do. Hope you come back some day and have a better experience.
  21. Believe buzz is in Georgia
  22. I kid, but bourbon hype is a wild thing
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