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  1. The offense may suck ass sometimes but they somehow seem to always answer when the other team scores. Nice drive O.
  2. His lack of ability to get any basic facts or timelines correct confirms why he was at coug high.
  3. Lol that punter jacked that he called a fair catch. Dickenson is not impressed
  4. Time to flip over to Fox.... Oh fuck E. Acho won't STFU... Back to this blowout
  5. JFC, really? I've never heard that. Are they from rural Russia and just learning about indoor plumbing?
  6. Agree to disagree. At least it's an entertaining ass game. Back to drinking beer and footballing
  7. That one was a huge change in field position. The PI was bullshit that caused the 15 yarder in the coach.
  8. No one is/was going to call Shaq out, Sydir on the other hand only strikes fear into the people behind him in the chow line.
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