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Everything posted by HuttNuts

  1. The offense may suck ass sometimes but they somehow seem to always answer when the other team scores. Nice drive O.
  2. I did at pointe du hoc
  3. His lack of ability to get any basic facts or timelines correct confirms why he was at coug high.
  4. Lol that punter jacked that he called a fair catch. Dickenson is not impressed
  5. Only if you're Italian
  6. Time to flip over to Fox.... Oh fuck E. Acho won't STFU... Back to this blowout
  7. Won't matter either eay
  8. JFC, really? I've never heard that. Are they from rural Russia and just learning about indoor plumbing?
  9. Agree to disagree. At least it's an entertaining ass game. Back to drinking beer and footballing
  10. That one was a huge change in field position. The PI was bullshit that caused the 15 yarder in the coach.
  11. This is some bullshit
  12. And catching the one against Bama.
  13. No one is/was going to call Shaq out, Sydir on the other hand only strikes fear into the people behind him in the chow line.
  14. Pittsburgh for all of the above. Took the landing craft paddleboat to the Steelers game nextdoor for a Thursday night game before the drive to Morgantown. I'm going to miss the Pittsburgh/WVU combo trip.
  15. Bitch got his ass kicked by Tech after acting like a bitch. Ain't nothing changed. He turns an L into more Ls.
  16. I was coming to say the same thing. That was becoming a special series of games. B-52 flyover for a midweek game, only one team can pull that shit off.
  17. Are you not entertained?
  18. Arnold held them by the balls and said either I start in 2024 or I transfer. They choose poorly
  19. Aggie is their team mascot. The term aggy has a more specific meaning - noun/verb: the act, or the group of people committing the act, of fucking up any and all situations in the most comical way possible.
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