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  1. We are playing some decent basketball right now. We kept it close till halftime against Rick and that was after playing two games in the two days prior.
  2. Next year's team will be pretty bad. I get that kids transfer all the time now, but the roster management by RT is pretty turrible. So why delay the inevitable ? I think we make it to the round of 32 and get bounced by Kentucky.
  3. Friend who is ~2600 got denied.
  4. https://mobile.twitter.com/JZBleiberg/status/1324497287184338944?s=20 The affair story is out. Sent from my SM-G975U1 using Tapatalk
  5. No, possibly one of Donna Campbell's staffers (maybe former) 🤭
  6. nm dont wanna be outing ppl
  7. https://capitolinside.com/paxton109.html
  8. What if I hypothetically told you that Ken had a mistress and she worked for Nate Paul?
  9. ToY

    Orlando fired

    So Beck is safe? Sent from my SM-G975U1 using Tapatalk
  10. Ran Boston. Weather was a little unpredictable, but we ended up with a nice stretch where there was no rain. It was a little humid and a little warm, but could have been a lot worse. My plan was to go for 2:45 regardless and was on pace till the hills. For the hills, I was going to not fight them and hope I still had legs to close the last 5. Turned out I did not. Salvaged a 2:49 without dying too much. Cardio wise, it felt great, but the legs just did not want to turn over fast. I'm pretty happy overall!
  11. It's not a USATF certified course, so the 10K distance will be "approximate". Not sure if this is a factor for you. https://www.usatf.org/events/courses/search/searchResults.asp?embed=&courseID=&distance=&distanceUnits=&distanceComparison=&city=&state=&courseName=Longhorn&courseStatus=A&courseType=R&drop=&dropComparison=&separation=&separationComparison=&certificationYear=&lastName=&format=view&submit=Search
  12. ToY

    RIP Paden Kelley

  13. https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-schaepe-singer-college-admissions-scandal-20190327-story.html
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