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  1. https://mobile.twitter.com/JZBleiberg/status/1324497287184338944?s=20 The affair story is out. Sent from my SM-G975U1 using Tapatalk
  2. No, possibly one of Donna Campbell's staffers (maybe former) 🤭
  3. https://capitolinside.com/paxton109.html
  4. What if I hypothetically told you that Ken had a mistress and she worked for Nate Paul?
  5. ToY

    Orlando fired

    So Beck is safe? Sent from my SM-G975U1 using Tapatalk
  6. Ran Boston. Weather was a little unpredictable, but we ended up with a nice stretch where there was no rain. It was a little humid and a little warm, but could have been a lot worse. My plan was to go for 2:45 regardless and was on pace till the hills. For the hills, I was going to not fight them and hope I still had legs to close the last 5. Turned out I did not. Salvaged a 2:49 without dying too much. Cardio wise, it felt great, but the legs just did not want to turn over fast. I'm pretty happy overall!
  7. It's not a USATF certified course, so the 10K distance will be "approximate". Not sure if this is a factor for you. https://www.usatf.org/events/courses/search/searchResults.asp?embed=&courseID=&distance=&distanceUnits=&distanceComparison=&city=&state=&courseName=Longhorn&courseStatus=A&courseType=R&drop=&dropComparison=&separation=&separationComparison=&certificationYear=&lastName=&format=view&submit=Search
  8. https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-schaepe-singer-college-admissions-scandal-20190327-story.html
  9. https://www.today.com/video/college-cheating-scandal-ut-tennis-coach-s-lawyer-speaks-out-1457891907761 His lawyer seems like a tool. What's the point of him going on national TV except to get attention for himself? But some hard hitting questions from Today show!
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