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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Viper

  1. Does this mean you won your bet though?
  2. From L. Michael White (Professor of Classics and Director of the Religious Studies Program University of Texas at Austin): There is some thought, though certainly in the minority, that the name "Peter" might be ironic (like calling a 6'7" 310 lbs guy Tiny) given how often Peter is admonished in gMark and how often he appears to be clueless. It's also famous for being part of the basis of the Catholic Church claiming primacy over all other churches via their claim that Peter was the first "Pope". Of course this is a rather anachronistic claim since early churches didn't seem to have a single "leader" but a council of presbyters, along with the fact that no single church was viewed as "Primary" over the others until centuries later when when the Roman Empire would be split between Rome and Constantinople. Peter Brown, in The Rise of Western Christendom says that while churches of the West might think of the bishops of Rome as successors of Peter and Paul and heirs of Roman order, it would "be a serious anachronism to see the bishops of Rome as central to the Latin churches of the West." The succession from Peter is an idea that first appears around 180 CE, in Irenaeus' Against Heresies, where he compares the many "heretical" groups at the time to the "universally known church founded and organized by the two most glorious apostles Peter and Paul.". One problem with this idea is that, according Paul's own letter to the Romans, there is an already existing Roman church which he did not found. There is additionally no early information that Peter founded a church in Rome. Even Peter's early alleged successor, Pope Clement does not make that claim in 1 Clement. Irenaeus' assertions about the "apostolic church" with a continuous lineage of "bishops" dating from Peter's time to his own, looks to be a device to contrast against the illegitimacy of all groups who did not recognize episcopal authority like his own as Bishop of Lyons. He was describing the kind of church he would like to see, not the church as it was in his time. His idea of a Roman episcopal genealogy begotten by Peter and Paul naturally appealed to bishops of Rome in later times, but it has no verifiable basis in history. The very "heretics" he was writing against were acting freely in Rome itself, showing any supposed supreme leader lacked control over dissenters.
  3. Zelenskyy confirms a new Ukrainian offensive in Russia's Kursk region https://ground.news/article/zelenskyy-confirms-a-new-ukrainian-offensive-in-russias-kursk-region_e210fb?utm_source=mobile-app&utm_medium=newsroom-share
  4. 2nd best army in the world, moving to donkey powered transportation https://x.com/bayraktar_1love/status/1887911147216548070
  5. If anyone likes a map to visualize https://x.com/NOELreports/status/1887917264248426614?t=lW1aNdlykabt0urO0dYUmA&s=19
  6. Saw some "leaked" peace plan but it looks like it was just made up by a pro Russian tabloid https://x.com/secretsqrl123/status/1887704186566909989?t=8EkIwYypOKjfeLh0IaOEWQ&s=19
  7. Sounds like he's going to still be someone's bitch, I guess at least it won't be a sip.
  8. https://x.com/NickHarrisFWST/status/1886478638121435237?t=_LgK0gSKtDCsDRZ-qVpo2A&s=19
  9. For a surgical consult?
  10. From what I understand it was meant to be Tom Hollands's Spider-Man origin story but something with rights complicated it so now it's just its own separate thing
  11. agreed. Though a ton of old posts are broken now. Is there any solution? I understand it might be a lot of trouble to go back and convert the embed to these images, so maybe at least convert them to just links if that's easier to do? Also any chance to make the images clickable to watch the video and make the twitter link easier to share?
  12. https://x.com/RealJakeBroe/status/1884845035700764993?t=VTxhgx2FZIFX-g9ed-k3Jw&s=19
  13. Saw an article where they were talking about side effects from what these drugs are being compounded with. How true that is I couldn't say. As far as greed, I can understand the companies wanting to recoup those development costs and drugs that failed to pan out, but hasn't ozempic been out for awhile to treat diabetes? Is it still not past the patent stage yet or do they get a new one to treat weight loss?
  14. I'm not sure how much money they're bringing in, but at what point do they have too many people working for them?
  15. Anyone able to comment on how accurate this guy is? https://x.com/morganb/status/1883686168824561838?t=SLzOm1hc7G5Ed014qigVgA&s=19 Check out this thread at Thread Reader App. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1883686162709295541.html
  16. Yeah sorry. I was trying to figure out how immamacs embedding works now and couldn't get it to work. https://twitter.com/sentdefender/status/1883519688610566191?t=ijUxJRr1hx45Y4L6LrltTw
  17. I wish someone would combine NRSVUE with NOG
  18. Another north sea cable damaged https://twitter.com/sentdefender/status/1883519688610566191?t=ijUxJRr1hx45Y4L6LrltTw
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