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Certifiably Surly
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  1. God damn that block by Bijan got me off the couch
  2. God yes, still trying to temper my expectations but man that was a game they couldn't win for shit in the past several years on national coverage.
  3. Got his law degree in '76 from Boston College.
  4. Wiki says different about John Kerry, he has a JD.
  5. Good thing for you all who wanted Walz as I had a promise he was going to move next door to me to become my new best friend who would have drinks with me on Fridays.
  6. Yeah I get the sinking feeling they're going to let both of them in, we need FSU to lose.
  7. Fuck me, hope Worthy didn't actually fracture anything.
  8. This reply had me gasping for air from laughter,
  9. MFers dying out here already, jesus
  10. lmao, I don't want to show up to your party unless you have a goldfish there
  11. Haven't watched every snap this year, but had the game on in the background doing some pumpkin carving party shit with the new neighbors and lost my mind on the second attempt to score on 4th down. At least KU won, folks they're saying OU is nothing but a bunch of limp-dick fuckasses.
  12. What a shot in the arm, god I hope this carries over to Philly
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