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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GSU&UT

  1. I posted this earlier in the thread my dude,
  2. That is the only one I'm maybe a little worried about because it's just going to be used in the most disingenuous way and Bernie will have to likely defend it more aggressively, I don't think nearly enough people will care about something he said about Cuba in the 80s.
  3. Fucking got 'em, good lord dude is going to have to log-off forever now.
  4. No one is doing that, we're saying that he implemented policies that were popular. I choose to live in a world where people can understand an ounce of nuance especially when the quote was literally given with qualifier "we condemn the authoritarian nature of the communist/Castro regime." This is just candy for people who can't understand why some of us don't have this Cold-War reflex that they grew up with.
  5. Reminder that 1). no one outside a few people and neo-cons gives a shit about any of this, and 2). I believe you already said you are going to leave your presidential choice blank because you just can't bring yourself to support Bernie so I do not give one single fuck about your criticism. Also 3). Obama had the same damn kind of thing to say, Bernie literally condemned the authoritarian nature in the same sentence as saying that Castro was able to garner support because he improved the lives of many people. This is all disingenuous shit and I'm not here advocating for a Cuban-Marxist style that we need to adopt as a country, I'm just tired of people making remarks that are not grounded in any reality in the year 2020.
  6. It's pathetic how many of us Americans have literally no understanding of world history. For reference,
  7. Again, we have a data-point to suggest that this didn't help her last time. I'm sure Bernie will get much more focus tomorrow, we'll see if it helps her but I'm very skeptical.
  8. Let's remind everyone last time she went at Bernie it only hurt her in the polling. Are you suggesting this is a winning strategy?
  9. She smartly didn't take the bait to trash Bernie in the last debate and instead decided to annihilate Bloomberg. I'm not sure if Steyer is on the debate stage tomorrow but if she wants to cut into support she could go after him or Biden. Steyer has dropped a TON of money running advertising in SC which has given him some big support.
  10. I'm here for the @Huckleberry schooling. You love to see it.
  11. I assume he is being sarcastic.
  12. To be clear I'm fine with paying that amount because unlime a lot of millennials me and my wife can afford this. However we then get to hear boomers lecture us about why we're not having enough kids as if they are actually in touch with how the world works in 2020. If you want to make an argument you can't have kids if you can't afford it thrn that's fine but we're going to have a major health crisis later where there's literally nowhere near enough people to take care of us elderly, you're seeing that in Japan to some degree.
  13. Because we literally don't have a choice, it's a second mortgage if me and my wife want to work full time, are you seriously this dense? We're paying more before we got a mortgage because it's cheaper than renting crappy house. I don't care what you tell me, you're a Republican or libertarian because you're now using the "muh personal responsibility!!!" argument here.
  14. Time to make the switch then, Warren proposed a very similar plan and I bet you didn't complain about that. I freaking pay over 10k a year for decent daycare here in the suburbs which is 9 percent of my income. It is a cost barrier and literally affects the outcome of kids aptitude if you look at any social science. It's not going to kill me to pay for this for everyone as a tax.
  15. Just FYI if you're already on the record to not vote for Bernie because of policies and are okay with kids in cages the next 4 years then none of us have an obligation to take you seriously.
  16. Dude just go ahead and vote Republican, this is a policy that Warren was pushing for as well. At least you'd be honest with yourself.
  17. I'm done with this shit man, you are creating a scenario that is being played out in your head that has no basis in reality.
  18. Is this the very first time you've come across this publication? Show me any hard evidence that writers at Jacobin are pushing Bernie's campaign in any direction and have influence. It's a socialist magazine that has an extremely small following.
  19. You are seriously suggesting a person at a socialist magazine that is much farther to the left of Bernie, a magazine where there is no evidence that they have any influence over Bernie's campaign is going to suddenly be elevated and influential after he wins? Just own up and say that people are mean on Twitter, I would by that argument a lot more than you trying to link Jacobin that has no real influence on anything to Bernie.
  20. Like I said either this is fair game or it isn't. He literally came out in the last debate to say he disavows all this shit, if you're going to keep posting these random tweets from people who have almost no base then I'm going to find my own to show.
  21. https://newsone.com/3903564/attacks-against-black-women-during-political-cycles-emphasizes-lack-of-respect/ You may be right that he's not a paid person but he edited his Twitter profile to remove a reference to Pete. He previously held political positions in West Virginia, so he's not a random Twitter person I just picked out. I also don't care about this Jacobin writer either, she can fuck off, I just want you to realize that you posting tweets of people with virtually no following isn't indicative of anything.
  22. The person is literally a paid surrogate who then said he was hacked. I could argue that he has a lot more influence than a writer for a socialist magazine who only has 7000 followers and isn't on Bernie's staff. Are you seriously trying to make this argument about which posts matter?
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