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Everything posted by chikin23

  1. Can't go wrong.
  2. You can use a cordless drill battery as well.
  3. Where do I send my $9.95?
  4. Front 7 is playing balls out and saving our ass.
  5. Over protective parents are the worst.
  6. Weak ass snowflake.
  7. I love you guys so much.
  8. Jaws Back to the Future Dumb and Dumber Dr. No Treasure of the Sierra Madre Star Wars Raiders of the Lost Ark Shawshank Redemption National Lampoons Vacation The Searchers
  9. Is it too late in the year to level the yard? I've read masonry sand is the best. Celebration Bermuda yard with lots of bumps and low spots. Was going to get a few yards of sand and spread it out with a rake to see if 8 could level it out.
  10. I can only see the 10 most recent threads in each sub board.
  11. Sometimes takes a little wiggling or moving in a circular motion depending on if I are tacos or not.
  12. People will look at you like you're crazy. They have no idea what they are missing.
  13. I use 4 squares to pat dry.
  14. https://www.cnet.com/news/disney-plus-every-show-movie-available-to-stream-when-release-date/ Some marvel movies will be available at launch and other following soon after.
  15. chikin23


    He hasn't killed anyone in a while.
  16. Octopussy was on TV the other day. I'd forgotten about the Tarzan yell as Moore is swinging vine to vine in a jungle.
  17. And movie theaters.
  18. Helped my grandpa setup a computer in the late 90s. I was using it a few weeks later and he had a post it off to the side for a link. He had handwritten the entire url, something along the lines of www.yahoo.mail/hkpshebaeer3345427dus.com
  19. Scanning ahead I saw they have Steel Magnolias and A League of Their Own playing.
  20. Leaving Vegas up 500 on craps. Method worked for me pretty well. Would've been more but got impatient with the nickel and dime stuff a few times. Had a good run with roulette as well. Shaggy had a post years ago about playing the 1st 12 and doubling up every time you didnt hit. Worked well for me too all the times I played except once. Got up 350ish and then made some stupid bets and wiped myself out.
  21. chikin23

    Getting old sucks

    Been there done that.
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