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Everything posted by chikin23

  1. I thought it was Ice T. Guess you could remake the movie with Ice Cube.
  2. Looks like a 90s geocities website.
  3. I'll be sitting on a beach, earning 20%.
  4. Being left handed, I tie my shoes "backwards" and the loops sit vertical on my shoes. For some reason I've tried tying them "correctly" and it's tough trying to redo 35 years of a habit.
  5. Hitting the activity button on my Harmony remote and the receiver going to the wrong input.
  6. I've switched companies three times in the last decade. No real rhyme or reason. But did get a much better deal each time.
  7. Red goes on black, black goes on red.
  8. Going to give the Hanes a shot. Have several pairs of Saxx that have been great but are starting to wear out.
  9. This is a plan I pieced together from information I've gathered on the other site and from reading through the links that cactus has provided. Seems to be doing ok so far but I'm sure some of the experts could add to it and make suggestions to make it better. February - pre emergent (amaze grass and weed preventer is what I've been using) March - 15-5-10 (sta green Texas turf) April - 15-5-10 May - milorganite and another round of premergent June - ironite July - 15-5-10 and a round of Bayer advanced fungus control August - milorganite September - Bayer advanced fungus control October - broadleaf spray and another round of pre emergent November - 18-6-12 winterizer
  10. Used Saxx, under armour, exofficio, etc. Just curious, has anybody tried the Hanes Ultimate Ex Temp? Thoughts compared to the other brands?
  11. Eskimo hut combined with the shag spirit of putting dicks on everything.
  12. Was spider on the other site or is he a new partner?
  13. Love this series. Definitely will be getting this one.
  14. Damn good deal. Gonna have to try this out.
  15. One of my coworkers has one. He hasn't had any problems with the battery at all. Hopefully it'll stay that way. I'm due for an upgrade in a few months.
  16. The little dot and star to the left of the thread title is ok, but it is hit or miss on me clicking it. Definitely need tapa.
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