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Everything posted by chikin23

  1. My wife is a nurse. I learned a long time ago not to say shit about any ailments.
  2. It’s actually gotten worse and looks to continue that way.
  3. TRS is the one thing that has kept me from getting out, it’s not a bad retirement plan.
  4. This may be the wrong place to ask this question, but I’m seriously considering a career change. This is my 16th year of being a public school teacher and it has gotten harder and harder to stay in each year. My salary will never be much more than it is now and when we do get a raise it’s generally offset by a rise in our insurance premiums. Reading through this thread it doesn’t seem like now is a very good time to start looking anyway but, if I were, are people even hiring former educators that may not have experience in that field but bring other useful skills to the table?
  5. Now we’re cooking.
  6. Go to “home” and the first row is titled “top picks for you” and you can see the multi view. The other way is to select the game from the guide and, if available, it will give you the option to watch live or the multi view. So far it’s only worked with 2 games at a time.
  7. Just got an email saying it’s going up to 72.99.
  8. Diamonds Are Forever is a guilty pleasure of mine. It’s so ridiculous but I can’t help but love it. Connery in the short pink tie is so unlike anything Bond would ever wear but I watch it anytime I come across it.
  9. Love that version of “In the Meantime” by Spacehog!
  10. NES and SNES games were hard as hell.
  11. You can save it. But yes, I have to go back and reset it. I’ve found some other YouTube videos for other n64 games that make it easier to play them. I’ll save them as “goldeneye” or whatever and just select it. It’s a pain but it’s more enjoyable for me to play.
  12. Messed up the link.
  13. This helped a lot.
  14. chikin23


  15. Alcatraz was an intriguing show about a decade ago or so.
  16. chikin23


    Somebody needs a ride to the train station.
  17. One of the most brilliant parts about that show is the first time through you root for the egomaniacal bad guy and hate all of the good people and it usually is a 180 the second time.
  18. It helps to wiggle around in a circular motion.
  19. Did Rick ever return? Kind of lost interest about the time he left.
  20. INND kiosks already available in Walmart and now CVS. October 17 is supposed to be a big day.
  21. This is the answer. Had a guy come look at it today and he said the sink has the clog and the two lines are attached. Thanks for all the replies and help in getting it figured out.
  22. There are two AC units. One in a closet on the second floor and the other in the attic above the second floor. The leak is coming from the PVC pipe that connects to the topmost unit.
  23. Update: Tried all of the above and it’s still dripping. Turned it off for a while yesterday and it stopped but has started up again today.
  24. There was very little.
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