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Everything posted by Marshall_Lucky

  1. So basically, another Neville Gallimore. JFC.
  2. 55 and held McWilliams spit cup all year in ‘84. So fuck you.
  3. Stayed for a week in Ogunquit a few years ago just south of Kennebunkport. Serious Boston crowds on the weekends. Great beach access and decent golf. Dining and bar options were ok The lobster rolls at Barnacle Billys are worth a special trip. https://www.barnbilly.com
  4. 2nd Pfizer at UTSW yesterday. Currently experiencing less arm pain than the first, but feel like I’ve had my ass kicked in a street fight. Lethargic, chills.... YMMV.
  5. Yep, I remember. Maybe it was ‘83. We’d been in West Texas for Christmas, came home to Ft. Worth to find water coming out of light fixtures and running down the walls. Water line in ceiling burst, took about 12 hours for the ceiling to collapse in the kitchen. Seem to recall it was in single digits for several days. Got-dam I’m old...
  6. Had my first Pfizer last Thursday at Dallas Market Center through UTSW. If you have ever seen someone in the UTSW system, you should be able to get in. No major side effects, some localized swelling.
  7. Spent almost twenty years in the PNW between Seattle, Sebastopol, CA and PDX. Portland cranks the freak knob to 11. Makes Austin look like Lubbock... you have no idea. My old neighbor in Kirkland was a Husky letterman in the 70’s on the Sonny Sixkiller teams. Old school Seattle... Norwegian dude from Ballard. He blames the tech invasion and subsequent “pussification” for U-Dub’s mediocrity. Used to be a total blue-collar state where your old man either logged, fished or worked on the line at Boeing.
  8. Yet surprisingly several steps above Norman fucking Oklahoma.
  9. “Respect my decision”
  10. Mormon pussy.
  11. Fuck you Baker
  12. No experience at Dollywood or Twitty City or any of that shit. Asheville: Thirsty Monk downtown for brews https://monkpub.com/downtown-asheville/ Admiral for vittles: https://www.theadmiralasheville.com “They” ( stinky hippies)used to have a sweet drum circle right around the corner from the Monk. In case one is seeking a mind-altering night-cap.
  13. This. I spent a combined 17 years in Seattle and Portland and outside a 20 mile radius from either city, it’s full-on Appalachian-style redneck. Portland also takes the prize for least diverse city ever. White AF.
  14. Didn’t know he was the spawn of Nick Jonas. Tremendously talented family. In addition, would pound the cross off #2
  15. Marshall_Lucky


    ”Delicious AF”
  16. Marshall_Lucky


    Lil’ homegrown 30% Monster Cookies from my old neighbor in Orey-gun. OU Sucks. High.
  17. Two years ago, in March ‘17 I slipped on ice in Portland landing flush on my tailbone. I mean, feet went flying, landing horizontal on concrete. ER imaging of sacrum and coccyx showed no fracture, so assumed all was well. By Memorial Day, my sciatica was so intense, I couldn’t stand for more than 5 minutes or so at a time. Having had two previous L4/L5 herniations, I took the conservative route of PT and time. Saw a neurologist in September ‘17 and MRI showed stenosis at L5. Had Laminotomy on L4/L5, followed by 5 months completely pain free. Pain returned in February, 2018, foot numbness, muscular atrophy, etc. Enrolled in the pain clinic at OHSU: PT, epidurals, etc. No relief. Second MRI in June ‘18 showed herniation on L5 and again I took the conservative route with no improvement. Had 3rd MRI in November 2018, followed by Microdiscectomy on January 9. Began PT three weeks later and finished two weeks ago. Hopefully the disc stays intact... Neuro said I’m one more herniation away from fusion.Right now I feel like a million bucks. I certainly traveled the conservative route, but I’d reached the point where my life was deteriorating. Chronic back pain is no fucking joke. I saw Richard Weiner at Dallas Neurological at Presbyterian. Highly recommend for all the DFW Surlys.
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