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  1. I attended the initial TCEQ meeting on the Harrison permit and submitted my objections. The lawyers for the Harrisons stated that the treated water would be recycled in the housing development when there were multiple objections to dumping the water in the Dry Comal creek. With the approval of the wastewater permit, that plan looks to be off the table. They also emphasized the flow would be 1 cfs and said it wouldn't affect the Comal - bullshit. Blanco river has had treated sewage water. Wastewater Woes - The Watershed Association "Streams receiving wastewater effluent had relatively high nutrient concentrations and were classified as eutrophic, having very little oxygen, resulting in the loss of fish populations and an increase in algal blooms." Study of two locations on the Blanco with data and stark contrast in photos. Nutrient and biological assessment of the Blanco River, 2019 (watershedassociation.org) Very interested in asking for a contested hearing.
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