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  1. Idc for Sands story at all. I mean it MAY have happened, but that is such an extraordinary claim with no supporting evidence whatsoever to back you up. Especially the part about letting the alien just walk back to the craft and the rest of the platoon not doing shit? Once again, may have happened… but I’m not a big backer of that one. Not to mention him claiming to have assassinated aliens and shit
  2. Yeah that’s not how real life works.
  3. Ok.. the horse has been beaten. It is what it is at this point. Go lose brain cells on something productive
  4. Accurate deep balls. Mobility. RPOs. Sark has no excuse for this offense to look like it’s driving through mud next year.
  5. Never quite became what we expected him to be. Still had a really good career though we were left wanting something more from him. He will struggle heavily in the NFL. I appreciate him being a part of building this team back to where it belongs
  6. That’s not how football works. You have it at the 1 and you skull fuck yourself into a -7 yd play. Momentum swung instantly
  7. You can’t blame the coach on that. It’s 2 dudes in a phone booth. Have to win your matchup and let’s your nuts hang
  8. I’m at a loss. I cannot believe that play call. And I cannot believe that screen. 14 points was never going to be enough. Sark has to get his head out of his ass and dial something up.
  9. Season on the line and you can’t convert in the red zone. 2 years in a row. Sark needs to look in the fucking mirror. Fucking terrible
  10. THAT is what absolutely killed us. Not Quinn. You cannot make that fuckin call there.
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