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Everything posted by Texasborn91

  1. Man Texas fucked them so hard.
  2. Does not compute. But let’s fly them out and give them free gear and let agents jump down their throat.
  3. Boom or bust on the gridiron. Baseball will be his thing. Hell of an athlete though.
  4. Something they claimed happened is being called a lie by people who weren’t there.
  5. Because when people witness UAP that go from hovering stationary to accelerating into the skyline in the blink of an eye is a good indication of intelligence beyond ours.
  6. What the fuck else do you want? They catch it on film, Track it on radar, have thousands of eyewitnesses. One fucking story has to be true. Just one eye witness, just one video. Science, physics, reality as you know it isn’t 100% fact. Impossible human kind knows all there is to know. All these ex military are coming out and disclosing this shit… for what? Why risk the torment and persecution if it wasn’t truth.
  7. Those Bacon ranch taters might be the best bbq side I’ve had
  8. He raised the ceiling of the D line but I think we do have reasonable depth. We just won’t have the high end draft picks this year.
  9. It’s badass. Temp distribution isn’t great all the way though so make sure you get that figured out. That smoke box really puts legit smoke flavor. May need to put a chunk every 45 mins or so.
  10. Hope there is extra security in the stands, wouldn’t want him starting shit with those nice Canadian folks.
  11. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt that maybe my slices weren’t perfect that particular day. Everything else slapped. Best ribs I’ve ever had.
  12. That place was awesome. Brisket was a little pot roasty but everything else was incredible
  13. Well I think they overcame that… strong take though.
  14. Can’t imagine having such a shrimp dick micro penis that as a billionaire owner I walk into another business about a sign out front. Holy shit
  15. How much did Bijan get? Him and Caleb Williams have to have had the biggest NIL allocation to date
  16. If he knew he wasn’t going to be a great tester why not come back to school and get stronger? Sure he would have gotten a fat NIL check.
  17. First time hearing him talk?
  18. Sydir Mitchell looked like shit. Saw one pass rush that he tripped on his own dick and Hayden Connor just laid on him. There was also an instance down on the goal line where he got both shoulders flat on the ground at the same time pancaked. No pass rush. Hope he drops 15-20 before camp.
  19. 48-7 at Kyle field would put my kidneys on high fucking alert.
  20. Another trill Carter. We need game busters. Norton fills a role, we need a war daddy up front.
  21. You are on fucking crack about Shadeur. Nobody is going to want to fuck with that circus.
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