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  1. 18 years old at the time. Who knew? I was indestructible.
  2. I lived at the Woo the second part of that summer and ate McD's every day of that promotion cause the winnings were so dominant by the USA as referenced above. Perfect for saving food budget for more important things. /csb
  3. I think it is a 20 Balboa, from 1973. Wouldn't buy any numismatic type coins today. Bid/Ask is a nightmare unless you are holding for a long time and a big swing in price in your favor. If holding constant or goes against you due to bad timing, the bid/ask totally fucks you and then there is the storage costs.(just rented a box for $168 a year but it is for mortgage docs, titles, etc as well as the few valuables and jewelry) My mom, back in the 80's, an art major from way back, melted down a Krugerrand and a diamond ring and made this(she wore it with that chain, the backside pic is extra blurry ) Not sure she used a total oz of gold or what. Haven't had it weighed or anything. Kind of sentimental value since she made it(not the chain of course, just the simulated nugget design w/diamond).
  4. Here is a ring my mom left me: Rubies and small diamonds: Any idea on value of something like this? Guessing tree fiddy?(picture quality again sucks)
  5. was at safe deposit box today with my shitty phone. here are some pics of what my grandfather gave me a few years before he died: Silver Balboa, giant silver coin $20 gold, keep trying to will a D on that spot below the date $10 gold There are other things but that is a start. (sorry for the shitty quality, the little rooms where you view your stuff are not well lit) Any thoughts?
  6. are there differences other than the fees? like the ease of use once you are set up on cash app seem ridiculously easy. no idea on coinbase. I worked for a former board of trade bigwig back in the day. one thing he always expressed was being able to get in and out was the biggest thing if you are right more times than you are wrong. Apparently cashapp is having issues today. or maybe it is because im new to it. anyway I just wanted to add 500$ and it won't let me. they say it is on their side, not my bank or anything I did. No big deal unless it is like that a lot.
  7. was able to make a payment this morning with the transacted bitcoin from last night. pretty slick.(fees are just part of it I guess at this point) Still seem to be restricted from adding more. so get your cashapp shit started well before you actually need to do it since it takes several hoops to jump through. but that is cool if the security is there.
  8. Anyone used Cash App App to buy and trade or use or sell Bitcoin? Any pitfalls to watch out for? Did a 50$ purchase within minutes of installing the app as a trial. Trying again it is not letting me and I had to set up more stuff that is validating. Am I asking for trouble with this app?
  9. https://longhornswire.usatoday.com/2021/04/28/nfl-draft-texas-longhorns-football-demarvion-overshown-2022-linebacker-intriguing/ https://www.kxan.com/sports-general/texas-football-players-refuse-to-let-nil-become-a-distraction/ https://www.profootballnetwork.com/2022-nfl-draft-top-inside-linebackers-edefuan-ulofoshio-ventrell-miller/ https://www.ourdailybears.com/2021/7/16/22572854/2021-football-opponent-quick-hitter-texas Oldie: https://www.hudl.com/profile/6153192/Demarvion-Overshown
  10. https://legalinsurrection.com/2020/12/pennsylvania-alito-moves-up-response-date-on-emergency-application-to-12-8/
  11. What if the ag-coaster is just climbing a bit higher this year?
  12. I remember this game but not the details. Seems like he was more dominant than he was: https://www.espn.com/college-football/game?gameId=302890158 4-16 62 yards 11 carries for 71 yards including two 1 yard td runs. Nub's Burkhead, iirc, was probably Texas' best player that day.
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