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Everything posted by zork

  1. It was a rabbit hole I went down earlier this morning, but there are definitely people pushing that narrative.(likely CCP) The interesting tidbit from most of it, the most interesting let us say, was that there apparently way more than two strains of this covid-19 that are identified according to them.(Chinese?) They say it came from a now closed bio factory in the Maryland area. And that the whole lung problems blamed on the vaping thing was actually early Covid-19. Then that the 5 US military people who went to the Wuhan games in late '19 brought it over. It is a wildly fantastical narrative they got going that to me is the opposite of an occam's razor expanation of it exploding in Wuhan initially cause of their bio-weapons plant there or the animal-human cross over from the wet markets. It would be good to know the truth. edit: btw the two licking videos could have been from CCP cameras tracking foreigners in country.
  2. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00899-4
  3. Now a perspective from a likely CCP twitter feed, unofficial of course: Scroll through her feed for a possibly different perspective: https://twitter.com/RosemaryLxiao The two pole spitters on 3-20 are interesting. (can anyone interpret the text)
  4. WTF is HR2P-M2 referenced in the bold? https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4915/10/12/721/htm
  5. they hold shit, they wear shit, they drink/eat shit. that shit pays because the oglers buy it cause she held/wore/drank/ate it.
  6. I agree they should have spent the upcoming money they are going to waste on the Kennedy center, and other pork projects, on more masks and such. Trump was wrong to agree to that pork. As all the other non-essential spending that is being piled into this fucking albatross of a spending bill.
  7. Seems like the system is untenable given what we must do to stay 6' apart, or maybe it is just the leadership in NYC or NY, unless you are going to blame it on Trump for the spreading of the disease. Because lack of ventilators is not a reason for why it is spreading worse in NYC. Or why can't NYC keep it under control like the other metro areas in Japan for instance? I've been buying from the neighborhood Asian donut shop,the Asian owned ice cream shop, about double the norm.(supporting and keeping the kids sugared up as we started the new life at always at home) The virus doesn't care what race you are on the subway.
  8. seems like the post said 3-2-2020 for the De Blasio tweet, which was just over 3 weeks.
  9. Nope, just that it is reasonable to expect this virus to spread given what we know now. NYC is in an untenable situation with having so many people who depend on otherwise great public transportation being a shitty alternative with a virus such as we are facing. NYC didn't bring the virus to itself. And unless the Chinese government/military messaging is correct, vs the US federal messaging, the USA didn't bring the virus here either. BTW, I don't see you correcting those attacking Trump for unwinnable situations he has faced with perfect answers now available in hindsight. Hindsight is a bitch for all in a situation like this.
  10. Are they doing the required 6' between people at all times? Since the virus can live for days on most surfaces how can they expect to keep it under control?
  11. Who did I originally ask the question of and where was he posting? That is the answer, I guess, not that I can see why you are asking. I post where I want and generally don't tell others where and when they should. Pretty obtuse, man.
  12. Are both of your title shops in the Houston area?
  13. Are you talking about the DT thread question? I read both, post some on both(DT and CR). I've got a lot of time to read presently.
  14. I hope you are right with your latest observation and it continues to stay steady or improve. Too soon to tell AFAIK. Where is your new house, in general, BTW?
  15. I searched on google to see when the nyc subway had been shut down after Brickhorn's post. Because surely the Dems would be taking it seriously in NYC. The article I posted, that it was finally shut down by 1/4 yesterday, was a bit of a shock. Why is it still open at all given the severity and necessity to shelter at home? Are they disinfecting every time the doors open? How is it sticking it to anyone except the leadership that is in a catch 22 on the topic against a virus that is asymptomatic for days while still being contagious and having a dense population that depends on vast miles of tight, sometimes dirty, public transport trains that run all day. (still, save 1/4 of the time)
  16. Seems NYC still isn't taking it seriously. Don't you agree?
  17. Finally cut by 1/4 on 3-24-20? https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/24/nyregion/coronavirus-nyc-mta-cuts-.html
  18. Probably some flu deaths that weren't tested in late January and all of February as well.
  19. how did Okafor grade when he was in there last year? should be easy enough to tell if the grades are public, ol game grades.
  20. Maybe that isn't as clear to him as it was to those penciling in him as a starter in 2020? To me it seemed like the pass pro wasn't the same when he was in there. He was pretty strong run blocking at times. Would have been key depth for sure though. I hope he does well wherever he ends up.
  21. Aren't the feds bringing a medical ship and MASH tents to NY? In DFW there is county level organization for the response so far setting policy. I haven't seen the details on the fed plans for hospitals but did see that Cuomo didn't think it was enough.
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