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Everything posted by zork

  1. I posted it mainly for the video of what was discussed, upthread, for those that didn't see it live.
  2. David Hogg @davidhogg111 · 6h Imagine calling the immigrant parents that bring their children to the United States for a better life “Coyotes” The level of xenophobia is sickening. 1.4K 2K 8.3K This Tweet was deleted by the Tweet author. Learn more
  3. https://www.newsweek.com/savannah-guthries-husband-michael-feldman-former-democratic-political-aide-1539574
  4. canceled due to this perhaps? investigation progress:
  5. http://legendsrevealed.com/entertainment/2013/09/26/were-tater-tots-invented-as-a-way-to-deal-with-factory-waste/ Hush puppies, daddy.
  6. @Cajun any words of wisdom for us on the topic, given your vast prior experience?
  7. I randomly saw this and got it. Pretty, pretty good. Missed all the rest of the free offers, of those noted above.
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