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Everything posted by zork

  1. zork

    Kidney Stones

    How often do you take it and what dosage? What kind of altered diet in general? How often and in what amounts do you take the K citrate? If you don't mind sharing?
  2. zork

    Kidney Stones

    This is what I use but I am not a doctor nor can I endorse such medicine man bullshit that is not from a real MD. But I use it. Chanca Piedra in the form of Whole World Botanicals Royal Chanca Piedra Liver Gall Bladder support. Chanca Piedra means Break Stone. BTW, still painful but it seems to burn them away.
  3. EveryManACrystalBall
  4. How is Indiana, or whomever/wherever, going to implement specifically what you are calling for? Why strike out at me for asking what the specific plan is from the Dem leadership or even you? I'm not in a position to change anything. I can understand the feelings of hopelessness for the specific people in these occurrences as well as the criticism towards "Hopes and Prayers", etc. Will the Pelosi types, Perez from DNC types, allow Beto language into the Dem platform when they won't allow debates on Climate change?(I don't know the extent of the hub-bub about the not allowing the climate change debate)
  5. So is that going to be in the Dem platform, and how exactly? I mentioned Biden in earlier posts, but then branched it out to the others? What is the Democrat solution for restricting access to the guns specifically?
  6. (your post happened while I was typing out the one above, I tried to no avail to add your post into the edit of the other) Our family shops in DFW at all kinds of stores. We keep our kids with us, closer maybe, a bit more but typically just go about our everyday life without regard to people with guns. We would be dead meat if we were unlucky enough to be where the incel strikes and we happened to be there. We've talked as a family about being at an event and keeping 0.1 to 5% of your perspective on identifying quickly if there is a commotion of possible danger approaching.(trucks coming into public areas, apparent sounds of gunshots, etc) It is hard to quantify that to kids under 12 but we are talking openly about it in a real way.
  7. His comments seemed to indicate very specific types of people that he named specifically, with guns, are the problem. Occam's razor would indicate to somehow within our liberty and justice for all system to get extremely strict with those people having guns to make the most in roads to limiting future violence. Not sure how that could happen though in practice. Beto said what he would do. In London they are using knives and trucks to kill, albeit in lower numbers than our USA gun killing. It could be where we are going anyway in the next 50-100 years with the social score trends from China now being instituted, employed, as the Googletrons, Amazon-olith, NSA,(even Apple devices) also are beginning to hear/read everything we will be saying and then slowly use the immense data gathered to start judging us, our children, grandchildren, etc, accordingly. Not something I'm ready for but the fear from all of these mass shootings might entice the majority to give up their rights for perceived security. Each person killed is getting us more fearful. We should be careful how much of our rights we give up to try and alleviate the seemingly growing problem. RE: Biden: Facts are as of now and all summer, Biden is well ahead at this point in just about every poll save a some where he is still leading within the margin of error. We've heard Beto give his solution, what about the other Dem leaders if you are insistent that it will not be Biden?
  8. So you are saying it isn't the guns, then? We need to round up all the gang members, drug dealers, and incels?
  9. hahahahahahahaha, good one.
  10. Since Biden is going to be the Dem candidate for president, what is his policy proposition to stop the weekly carnage in the inner cities of Baltimore, Chicago, and out on the random ranges of midland, ohio, el paso, orlando, etc, etc?
  11. kids went early to get choo autographs the other night. they have spend the last near decade not watching games only to have choo come up and have them run out on the balcony yelling: "choooooooooooo". pretty cool. only one autograph per person, unless you are a near 20 something hottie korean chica who made him smile real big. didn't get any pics.
  12. Overshown with the delayed blitz looking sack and uber athletic diving interception really stood out in the second half. Yuge upside still available for that diaper dandy.
  13. Frosh QB Howell played well.
  14. So, the famous Jewish Lawyer that starts with a D? How?
  15. I don't. I'm just watching and reading the news daily when not dealing with my other responsibilities of which I didn't have many today. Sometimes I read about the Brexit thing generally on financial news websites or otherwise when it comes up. It has a big effect on the various markets when the news hits of another May failure, in the past of course, and with the latest Queen Parliament gambit causing an increased likely-hood of Brexit in the near-term to increase in percentage chance that it actually will happen. It has been fascinating to read about when I have done that, typically on big failures in the process. Then I finally opened the thread and read it here after ignoring it largely since it was started. I'm aware of history, though only at a lay person level with a college education, still knowing the shared history of the US and UK going back a long time. Even Blair and Bush making ally over politics in the ill fated Iraq partnership. Etc, etc. Then the surprise vote for Brexit, along with the years since that vote causing many to believe it wouldn't happen, till now when it seems it very well might. Sometimes interesting although not really that important to me or my family specifically. You can still fuck off.
  16. fuck off. simple really. go fuck yourself.
  17. fuck off.
  18. Hasn't the USA bent the curve on CO2? Who says we aren't trying? Hasn't there been a 30% federal kickback on virtually all solar/renewable energy installations going back more than a decade?(not sure what year it started but it was happening under W and since, IIRC) Incentive based solutions can work. Are you going to expect India to kill their livestock? Stop using coal? How about China? Why not spend all the climate money or 95% of it on solutions for humans to live in all types of climate instead of arguing on how many degrees we are going to warm or cool? How to turn CO2 into carbon products that might be useful or just benign storage in a way that is scale-able and cheap? Less about control, less about taking from the people in taxes, and more/virtually all about solutions. Thanks to @Dahobbs for the discussion/input today. I learned some from him and from my google searches inspired by his knowledge. (For one that cow population of the world chart is staggering from India/Brazil)
  19. Didn't she also use her Senate warchest a lot to fund things while following the above? That Senate warchest that didn't espouse the rules she is expecting others to follow now? I thought I read that but could be wrong.
  20. So you are saying there won't be much difference pre/post Brexit? I'm not commenting on what is best for me because Brexit, no Brexit won't affect me one iota, or almost not an iota here in DFW, Texas. The zorks of the world are generally called joe six pack. We take care of our jobs, our family, watch football, go to HEB if it is open to grab a 12 pack.(or whatever store in DFW) We watch the news or read about it on the internet these days. Go to kid activities. Go to dinner a few times a month. Maybe a vacation once a year, this year was stay-cation. That's about it. Of course this isn't about me though.
  21. Trade relations pain due to emotional Brexit feelings and actions is the butthurt that will exist till the pressure to allow trade to resume happens due to logistics costs, lost profit, etc. UK buys and sells a fairly significant amount of stuff. (not yuge anymore, but first world for sure) The uncertainty of what Brexit will mean is clouding the mostly nothingness of trade eventualities that likely will be after it settles. Or USA, other providers of goods will fill the gaps. The US/UK relationship should naturally strengthen due to the allied history between them. It is possible that with Warren as PotUS she will hold the treatment of Pocahontas against them.
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