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Everything posted by zork

  1. zork

    Beto 2020

    About that appearance:
  2. Back in the day I would say yes. Now, not so much. https://www.nytimes.com/1987/09/12/us/biden-s-debate-finale-an-echo-from-abroad.html?pagewanted=all
  3. He had a quote about kicking Trump's ass or something on that right wing media platform called USA Today, today. It has an angry picture of Booker with that tease line. from 8 hours ago: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS773US773&ei=mLk3XaG0FdaGtQazz5zwBQ&q=booker+angry+threat+trump+usa+today+7-23-2019&oq=booker+angry+threat+trump+usa+today+7-23-2019&gs_l=psy-ab.12...43190.51613..53059...0.0..0.145.1185.0j10......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71.Ag5vPKWkgVM&ved=0ahUKEwih4NPduMzjAhVWQ80KHbMnB14Q4dUDCAo
  4. Yesh. You got me girlfriend.
  5. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/presidential-erection/
  6. That dude that shit the bed here, with FG%, 3PFG%, TO's, started sitting because of said shitting of bed, and then went to Miami and didn't shit the bed so he got to play. That guy to me was the essence of either shaving points or just not giving a shit about his play here.(at Texas) Watching the team play vs Radford, till the last minute when the turned it up a notch only to still lose, also clearly epitomizes that not caring about shitting the bed with poor effort, essence of shaving points look, that seems to happen during Texas Basketball seasons lately. Contrast that with their mostly effort filled play during the NIT when it looked like a completely different team than the Radford type efforts that were put forth with too much regularity in the regular season.(interspersed with decent efforts) I have no basis for these observations except for just watching and observing over the past few decades and noticing when that essence seems to be appearing inexplicably. Maybe the NIT play will signal a new effort filled team play?
  7. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/07/23/cory-booker-feel-like-punching-trump-but-those-his-tactics/1803366001/ Sure thing Senator Booker. PotUS is probably glad the SotUA is in the HoR and not in the Senate.(especially if he needs to use the can)
  8. https://www.statedepartmentwatch.org/2019/02/11/willie-brown-throws-shade-at-ex-girlfriend-kamala-harris-cant-beat-trump/
  9. For Bama Chick's Sunday afternoon alone time:
  10. Germany has invested a ton in renewables but they are not in a very forgiving solar part of the world in terms of hours of great solar collection per day, per year. They have a very high, on average, price per kilowatt. (north of 30 cents per kilowatt) China is a different story but it is hard to determine, from my amateur eyes, how they achieve their cheap reported cost per kilowatt unless they are saying if it is paid for by the government then there is no cost. I just recently signed up for a 8.5 cents per kilowatt plan that is 100% wind here in Texas for the next 12 months. That was after doing two consecutive 3 month plans that were under 8 cents per kilowatt each that I don't recall how much was renewable. The point of my post is renewable sounds great but if you are not in a windy area wind power won't pay for itself reasonably and similarly with solar not paying off in non-solar radiance hours per day/per year areas. Till they can get better on larger scale fossil fuels have their place in energy production. Renewables have gotten better though, for sure.
  11. if the array is partially shaded it can cause the whole array to shut down unless you have the right controller hardware. meaning if you know you are going to have shade issues you will possibly install it on more arrays to allow shade to be less damaging to your production. so only the shaded areas go down when there is shade.
  12. The only game I went to this year Odor hit two taters. WTF? 4-8 so far in July if I read the results right. Fuck this shit. Ye olde Ballpark at Arlington deserves a better send off.
  13. Is there a feeling or more with greater certainty than just after the report was released as to what the continuing investigations are now, and how many are left to be decided? For instance: was the Rosneft dealing conspiracy that Trump was to make gazillions on still out there? What is the current scorecard on that or the others? Sure, just asking questions but maybe after all of this a summary of post Mueller report, pre-testimony is in order?
  14. Hold the budget to exactly the same year to year nominal amount till the debt is paid off. Inflate away but the budget nominal amount stays the same. Then HoR, Senate, President really have to figure out where those shrinking dollar real values go and where they don't. Combine that with cuts to salaries where they have been overdone or where you don't care if some of the people quit. Sure, morale will suffer. Just like it does in the private sector when cuts are made. Nobody will do anything about it though. Actually I don't see cuts to anything happening now or in the foreseeable future.
  15. zork

    Beto 2020

    if only he was getting 1%: http://www.theamericanmirror.com/beto-bottoms-out-orourke-at-0-in-new-hampshire-poll/
  16. This version is a bit different. Still lots of holy shit:
  17. /applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
  18. So, then, you are leading the Lib CR similarly to how Trump is described and how he leads the Republicans?
  19. What if the government option doesn't cover the costs? Look at this example that might foreshadow a M4A hospital killing ramp up: April '19: https://www.inquirer.com/business/hahnemann-hospital-layoffs-freedman-paladin-20190403.html quickly to yesterday: https://www.inquirer.com/health/hahnemann-closure-maternity-labor-delivery-maternal-mortality-20190709.html Or maybe it was just a poor purchase and bad management? Will the government be forcing people to run their business at a loss for the good of society? Is that sustainable?
  20. Then a follow up about to all of them who raise their hands on what it entails, the specifics if you will.
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