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Everything posted by zork

  1. They need to ask this at the next democrat debate.
  2. How old was Melania when she was dating Trump? Seems like she was born in the 70's. Wikipedia says 1998 when they met so there goes that theory: I added the bold to a part of it.
  3. Everyone's favorite cartoonist invited to the White House:
  4. Got to see a great game tonight with tremendous fireworks during and after the gem by Lynn.
  5. remix:
  6. @Anastasis : care to comment on this: https://amp.dailycaller.com/2019/07/01/john-ratcliffe-horowitz-fisa-abuse-complete any scuttlebutt?
  7. Is this what one of the ongoing investigations is about:
  8. Are they going to re-pick the lineups for both nights? Gotta separate Biden from Harris at minimum I'm guessing. Also gotta put Warren in with the adults this time. Williamson should get to perform both nights.
  9. So both campaigns can hire an attorney, who then hires another attorney of a consulting firm, who then pays the Russian troll farms to mangle each side? Perfectly legal, right? Russian troll war played out in the twitterverse, facebook, etc. Or would that not be legal?
  10. I'm saying the government is overwhelmed with people wanting asylum. Half won't get it if you look at the historical numbers back through 2000. The extremely generous American system is spending billions and billions of dollars to provide for these humans. In addition they must be vetted for disease, processed for their asylum claims or otherwise, to determine who gets $75K in benefits on average per person who successfully navigates the asylum process and who does not qualify for that extremely generous freedom freebie pack of goodies. There is a yuge backlog. Where on the UN resolution does it say the US has to pay $75K per immigrant in benefits? (over the first 5 years per immigrant if they qualify for asylum) I'd be ok, but I don't run the show, to let them in if they agree not to use any government programs. IMHO we can't afford unlimited $75K sucks on the system. There should be a limited number and the rest have to wait. 300 million is plenty of people in the 50 states. We don't want to turn our country into the even more overcrowded slum filled places that many of these peope come from. It is getting bad enough as it is if you look at the pictures from many of the big cities on the West coast. Listen to the shithead from CNN in the video above. He is horrible in general but has some decent points on the immigration debate.
  11. which is more cruel: crowded facilities that have running water, free food, free electricity providing climate control, free silver blankets, free medical care or Half of the asylum cases historically since 2000 have to go back anyway. why not reduce the numbers to the levels of capacity as discussed just previously, no overcrowding. give the rest a number and let them get their own lodging, food, toothbrush, etc, back across the border till their number is called in the order it was received. They could fire up TEX again and have him direct them through the process whereby they call to check on their availability of seats/beds in the facilities and they wait till they get their turn. TEX: "goodbye and good luck"
  12. another antifa dude with a crowbar(!?!) in this latest incident, seems to be coming from side/behind in the gruesome pictures that have identified the antifa perp. We will see if the Portland authorities do anything with this evidence: spoilered for gruesome-ness:
  13. Ted is a piker compared to this asshole Antifa criminal:(spoilered for blood/wound pictures)
  14. We used this to plan which day of the week for which park. We went spring break '18. We had a great trip. Did MK x 2, AK, EP, HS, bought a 5 day pass for everyone through one of the places touringplans suggested. Expensive but days 3,4,5 got progressively cheaper. We used backpacks to carry in fresh fruit, crackers, cheese to supplement the expensive food you can get at the park. The Publix grocery chain is your friend there: great fruit, food, and great t-shirts/towels/SWAG to get there instead of at the park. and We got up way early every day to be parking well before each park opened. Traffic can suck so going early still doesn't guarantee you get in too early. However, this way you can have a decent chance to go to the best primo ride at each park that you didn't get a fast pass reserved with only an hour or so wait or less(or more at the AK rides). We used this method at every park. We took them on easy roller coasters first, they tolerated them well and we ended up doing all of them. Using the disney ap and disney wifi was very helpful when it was working which was most of the time. it is easy to put your cheap ass pancho that folds up like a tiny paperback book in your backpacks. you will need it cause it rains due to orlando humidity. W Go to the East Coast to see NASA one day. My 10 YO boy at the time and still, was a lego freak. The 8 YO girl at the time, thought lego was ok. They both had fun at Lego-land one day. I was fortunate to be not feeling well enough to go out that day. (haha) You can buy from the orlando chamber of commerce or some other site online pre-tickets to nasa and lego-land to save bucks if interested. The kids had a great time. It was a fun trip for all.
  15. are journalists known for their fighting ability?
  16. In Berlin: https://www.german-way.com/when-nature-calls-public-toilets-in-germany-toilette-wc/
  17. Pizza Hut still does the reading program. Their pizza with the garlic butter crust add on is pretty tasty. We order it once a semester when the kids get their personal pan pizza freebie. Also pickup is preferable to delivery imho. I always get the pan pizza for me and if it has changed I have not noticed. Last order was in May IIRC. I'm not picky about pizza though. BTW, their hershey brownie dessert is a big hit. chocolate, chocolate is always a winner though.
  18. @ChiTownDoc's post was poorly written but wasn't that bad.
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