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Everything posted by zork

  1. creepy joe, say it aint so: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/450958-10-percent-fewer-democrats-say-theyd-vote-for-biden-after-first-debate-poll
  2. The human traffickers ruined that. How much human trafficking is ok in your book? 0% in mine. Bring proof of your kin and I would be ok with it. How do they do that when they don't bring their own toothbrush? https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/president-donald-j-trump-fighting-prevent-human-trafficking-southern-border/
  3. https://decider.com/2019/06/28/marianne-williamson-democratic-debate-kate-mckinnon-impression/?_ga=2.7275698.1800264562.1561839752-1262815034.1561839752
  4. Somebody needs to tell the truth up in here. Pelosi is an enemy of the so called freedom loving American Liberals on this site with her willful bringing of the bill to the floor for a vote for funding of the concentration camps. How could she dare do it? Or are they not concentration camps? Maybe she, and the others who voted for funding for the processing facilities(and other Homeland Security initiatives on the overwhelmed border areas) aren't bad people. Vetting is important. Protecting the people from the people streaming across the border with the magic, and well taught, words of amnesty need to be sorted from those deserving(and from the disease spreading through some of the facilities as well of course) and those who are just coming for a handout.(not allowed amnesty at the historical since year 2000 rate of ~50% denials) Wait your turn. Learn it now so there are not a lot of cutting of the endless wait lines at the DMV later on. They will get the real American experience waiting there.
  5. Agreed. Also, expecting all of the children to make it from Central America up through the badlands of Mexico, so dangerous they can't accept hospitality there, and not be in pretty bad shape is another canard. Even American government provided medical care can't save them all if they are arriving from the shithole countries in bad shape to begin with. This before being subjected to the free food, lodging, and medical care in the Pelosi funded American concentration camps. (for those that are choosing the Asylum route unlike the poor dead parent and child)
  6. We the NAZI House of Representatives hereby fund the US concentration camps of the poor people who want to enter the country and get their $75K of US taxpayer funding per person for their first 5 years after they pass vetting and processing in said concentration camps. Or something like that. Who is funding them you stupid cunt?(or had the choice to refuse) Who pays attention to Fox News? Certainly few on this board and not myself. Pelosi brought the bill to the floor as mentioned above. It was her choice to do so.
  7. What is absurd about it? Did the House of Representatives just vote to fund the concentration camps or not? Isn't Pelosi in charge of bringing that vote to the floor? Ergo...
  8. Pelosi will now be known as the funder of concentration camps. What a legacy.
  9. So the Dem controlled House of Representatives voted to further fund the filthy fuhrer's concentration camps?
  10. H20 wireless which means it uses the AT@T towers and GSM phones. You bring your own. If it worked on the AT@T network before, it will work on the H20 plan. There are no family plans, each phone is a separate deal. $35.71 per phone for unlimited talk, text and 5GB of regular data then it throttles unlimited after that.(this is on their auto-billed plan) We bought one Sony Xperia phone, unlocked about $250 at best buy, and I used my old Amazon fire phone for years. Then I bought an Xperia when I decided to retire the fire phone. It has been great. The customer service is people who speak english but many times it is possible it was not their first language. However it is a pretty simple setup to get it going buying the sim from best buy or walmart, etc. We've used them now for about 5-6 years. If you don't want the unlimited data, (5gb then throttled unlimited) then you can take about 5 dollars off.
  11. zork


    Guess they were right to dogpile after the supers.
  12. Is that for asylum seekers? Do you have the main link for the article that is included with? The graph I posted and linked via an article is about asylum seekers and the percentages of the total by year from 2000 through 2016 IIRC. Humans who have the choice to stay to try for asylum or go. If they choose to try the asylum route then they have to be vetted and processed since 50% won't be accepted and separated since 20-30% are bringing in children, potentially trafficking, not related to the adult traveling with them. The numbers are increasing within the last year or so. Mexico must be a real shit-hole if these human people would knowingly choose a death camp concentration facility, albeit with free food, medical, housing, over staying put there while they wait on the hundreds of thousands of cases in front of them. Personally I'd rather pay more for avocados and have less burden on the border communities and elsewhere where the asylum seekers are dropped off after acceptance of their lottery plight. A plight that costs the taxpayers on average $75K+ per refugee for their first five years of care/support/welfare/transfer payments. Come if you can pay your own way, fuck this shit: https://www.fairus.org/issue/legal-immigration/fiscal-cost-resettling-refugees-united-states We don't owe these people, these humans, $75K+ per person(over their first five years per person on average). We don't, or shouldn't. But I'm the bad guy for thinking that. It doesn't say on the statue of liberty that we should pay their way after they get here, but apparently we are. And that is why they are streaming into the country. Why some, many, more if they knew how much it was costing us, are against it.
  13. ~50% who are not eligible for asylum are overwhelming the processes for determining who should gain it. The process to vet and process them is limited by already short funding. There are not unlimited resources for every poor person in the world who is seemingly showing up on the border in unprecedented numbers. I believe they should be paying for their chance at asylum. The government should not be giving them anything. They should not be eligible for any government provided anything for 10 years or more. We have limited resources. We have 300+ million people here now unlike when the statue of liberty was given to us by France when we were less than 100 million with near limitless, at the time, land for the taking(stake your claim just as civil war was ending). The government isn't giving the homeless free lodging, food, medical care, (tent city.jpg from san fran, seattle, dfw, houston, etc, etc)so why should we provide for non-citizens and those that are not worthy of amnesty? I know my non-bleeding heart opinion isn't shared here. They are free to leave the facilities if they want, back across the border. Concentration camp detainees are not free to leave.
  14. Since 2000, according to this graph from an org who tracks these things, ~50% of the amnesty cases are rejected. Why let those people in who are not deemed worthy of amnesty? Why keep the people, reportedly 20-30%, with their non-relative children? They are free to wait on the Mexican side of the border if they so choose but instead are choosing to be given free room, board and government medical care in the detention facilities while their claims are vetted and processed. BTW, Britain, Germany, etc, hold people in detention while they are being processed for asylum. It is pretty common.
  15. Ah, but did you see how well they, the Biden family, did in the Ukraine?
  16. Seems like it isn't new, amirite? 12 million undocumented at the new rate of $5k if you don't fill out the census would likely pay for lots of detention meals and medical care. Kind of the pay it backward method for those that got here sooner.
  17. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/trump-raises-more-money-in-24-hours-than-opening-days-of-sanders-biden-orourke-harris-combined
  18. What percentage are granted asylum? Is it different now vs previous years?Hmm: https://immigrationforum.org/article/fact-sheet-u-s-asylum-process/
  19. What I think is immaterial. NPR is saying we will be counted whether we respond or not. The law says if you don't respond you will be fined. Simple really. Unless you have government officials who are choosing not to follow the law. Why won't they fine those who won't answer the census? Who gets to decide who is fined and not fined for not answering? It seems we have a bigger undercount problem than is being discussed on this thread if the government officials in charge of the local census are not fining those who won't fill out the forms. Or maybe it isn't a big deal and NPR is right.
  20. Looks like the undercount worry is a canard as well: https://www.npr.org/2018/04/19/603629576/skipping-the-2020-census-citizenship-question-youll-still-be-counted
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