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Everything posted by zork

  1. so even you would characterize the pictures of the queen not smiling, in this thread on this topic, as not representative of the event given that even she would be faking it and smile most of the time due to her prim and proper etiquette training?
  2. I didn't see any of it. If you only looked at this thread you would have thought she was angry. Turns out she wasn't the whole time. From someone who, apparently watched the coverage of the event: Just trying to give a fair perspective to balance the angry all the time at Trump POV. Take it as you will. MOAR: Melania in Red:
  3. SAMS pharmacy will save you money on vet pharma products that they sell. After not having a pet for about a decade we got a dog at thanksgiving, see him in the dog thread. While filling a prescription at Sams I noticed their dog products and got their spiel. Saved about 20-30% off the vet prices.(of the stuff they sold)
  4. zork

    2019 NCAA Regionals

    I wish we could trot Elder, Henley, then whomever in game one anywhere. mecry.gif Fuckthisshit.gif
  5. So Comey, the DAD mentioned I presume, skates?
  6. https://www.heritage.org/welfare/report/how-welfare-undermines-marriage-and-what-do-about-it This is race independent as far as I know. I'm certainly not a sociological expert but I did stay at several Holiday Inn Express type hotels with IHG rewards being awesome since they never expire unlike the shitty HHonors program and the Comfort Inn programs that expire rather quickly without use.
  7. Is there something to the discussion that the welfare programs from that time caused a shift away from two parent families for some? And that the studies since, much more recently perhaps, clearly show that two parent families are a yuge predictor of the success of the next generation in a given family?
  8. The mounting of the evidence above your post in my post has my full attention.
  9. Are you ready for President Pence? I'm ok with President Pence.
  10. https://www.wfaa.com/tarrant-county-hd-radar
  11. https://www.google.org/publicalerts/alert?aid=b06d2326cf3a65cb&source=ogs&authuser=0
  12. getting storm alarms in n arlington. looking at the maps/radar it looks well west of there.
  13. zork

    2019 NCAA Regionals

    Texas Tech had the best pitching, short maybe of Stanford, that I recall Texas facing this past season and some murderers in the heart of the lineup. They should be a very tough out unless they just choke it away.
  14. similar to 911 abuse penalties, it seems like there ought to be a threshold for the system, medical or otherwise, to recognize the serious, clear, abuse and warn then fine the abusers till they stop.
  15. Shaka will be all over this. or not.
  16. zork

    2019 NCAA Regionals

    playoffs.gif? https://www.google.com/search?q=playoffs.gif&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS773US773&oq=playoffs.gif&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3463j1j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  17. I really like the one with her and her baby, and the one you mention as well of course.
  18. Remember, the DNC is not charged with fairness to any degree with how they do things when you see the dispersion of candidates for these debates. How will they game it given that? Who does the DNC prefer?
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