fuck off. you don't know me. I didn't comment on the current situation in Bamer or GA or the other states racing to restrict access to abortion,etc.
If you read the other comments I made I allude to discussions in the past,on other boards pre-shaggy even, that referenced a theoretical point of viability where it could be reasonably argued that the fetus could live outside the womb, by definition: "point of viability of the fetus".
whether legislation related to that would be practical or not is not as important to me as the point at which the being in the womb it could be argued should have some representation when that point is reached. realism dictates that it is improbable that the state would do anything at this point.
but with completely socialized medicine there would be no cost to the mother to have the baby removed and put as a ward of the state if she and the father gave up their rights.
Since the man is chastised for having sex to create unwanted babies and is given virtually no say by the state* it seems once that point of viability is reached the state could start protecting the actual being that could live outside the womb if given a chance to do so.
this by exacting/expecting the female to have responsibility of the parental duties once the fetus is a being able to live on their own. of course costs are exorbitant to keep them alive and procedures to birth them from the woman so it is theoretical like in theory nobody would be hungry given all the food produced in the world but money dictates all.(and of course the will of the state to impose that on the mother)
there is a lot in the world that is barbaric but necessary.
The R's should choose their battles more carefully. Possibly it is polling that has determined that now is the time to push these lawsuits to coalition build coupled with the recent Supreme Court changes. Who knows. It is a political decision mostly at this point, the doctors are not being consulted as far as I know.
*since abortion is legal a man should have the right to opt out before the point of viability, only being responsible for 1/2 of the costs associated with the abortion.(1/2 transportation to and from, procedure, medications, etc, etc)