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Everything posted by zork

  1. No bias to see that little girl elbowing Creepy Joe's hand off her chest as her smile turns into a scowl. It is on the video along with many other creepy touches from the front-runner for the Dem nomination. The other picture is only a second in time and from a source that is potentially fake news.(I mentioned it in the post(photo-shop comment) and had it spoilered for that reason) Creepy Joe is real.
  2. it was on a creepy joe thread sub from "The_Donald" on reddit, via googling creepy joe: Here is the google search for the girl elbowing Creepy Joe in the nads area: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS773US773&q=little+girl+joe+biden+creepy+elbow&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjH_I2BwKviAhUSP6wKHQWJChkQ7Al6BAgGEA0#imgdii=NgBdn7o-F1HH8M:&imgrc=25sDwTzeHlH71M: then the reddit thread that won't link here very well: not sure how to link to reddit so I copy and pasted it in the spoiler, some dude links the former potus' pic several times.
  3. What if it is both: not sure if that is photo-shopped or not?
  4. This will get plenty of airtime, Creepy Joe getting a tiny elbow to the privates:(watch Joe's right hand then the little girl's right elbow) They don't show the Creepy Joe with little girls too much for some reason.(3:02 in the video)
  5. What I had read/watched on the topic was that they have lasted 15 to 20 years if installed correctly and that is all they know since that is all they have been around. So perhaps the jury is out, beyond that time frame due to unknown, but they seem to work fine. Just don't have a crooked cut, don't forget to sand the connection point and you should be fine.
  6. dude, go outside and breathe some fresh air. Take a break, or your meds if you have them.
  7. One might say there is a spending problem in the LH athletic department as well. The money coming in has never been better for the Feds or LH athletics.
  8. Is this just a feeling or is there statistical data to back up the weakness of shark bites, and their competitors, type fitting installations?(assuming they are properly installed)
  9. aintnobodygottimeforthis.gif holy shit that was dry, monotone, delivery. made it about 3 minutes then bailed. needs to do more coke before broadcasting to speed things up a bit.
  10. thanks. looks like they got rained on some but otherwise ok. caving got them muddy but again, no big deal other than fun for that and the whole trip.
  11. what about inks lake state park area this weekend? boy scouts are camping there, my son's first camping without dad, and going caving on sunday? rain I'm not worried about but Frankie talking about hail, big winds, tornado. is Frankie full of shit @phdhorn?
  12. His Patriots contract had a decent amount of guaranteed money for UFA, will his new signing have more money other than the weekly stipend? How does that work? Was it announced how much he signed for with da Jets? edit, thought it was more, it was 30k.
  13. Also, this guy: Was just appointed to check into any procedural or other difficulties in the early days, and before perhaps, of the investigation. Apparently he has experience investigating IC agencies before, and shockingly, Mueller before as well, reportedly. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/443509-top-connecticut-federal-prosecutor-assigned-to-investigate-russia https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/13/us/politics/russia-investigation-justice-department-review.html
  14. I never would have gotten into the Woo elevator, evar.
  15. I don't know. The OIG report coming this summer might shed more light. Does seem to be some smoke about his hiring/quitting, travel and interesting contacts he made just before quitting to work on the Trump campaign, Lindsey talks about it in the interview linked above. Should declassify all of it. Probably won't happen. Pap has been ridiculed here for his idiocy. Seems to make the perfect candidate for the stuff Lindsey refers to in the interview wrt FBI/CIA setups, perhaps.
  16. Maria talks to Lindsey about FISA, Barr, immigration, China, Venezuela, etc: Maria back in '2016:
  17. with 4 yr old grandson in 1985: What said grandchild is doing today: http://ryanmelcher.com/about/
  18. With the Bayer losses from their takeover of the Roundup maker, will Aspirin be next to have prices explode? If not, look at what little ole Aspirin can do for you: https://www.uscjournal.com/articles/Aspirin-Statins-Cardiovascular Something to consider, having Aspirin around. Statins as well if you can afford it.
  19. zork


    If the HAMAS led group of Palestinians were to somehow gain the training, weaponry, and soldiers enough to retake the land to the '67 borders do you think they would stop there?
  20. zork


    War sucks but is what it is in that region. I agree that war, in my opinion, is happening now and has been. Maybe the next rocket attack will turn the tide?
  21. zork


    Seems like the same strategy since at least the first intifada in '87. Not working out so well for them.
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