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Everything posted by zork

  1. zork


    I don't believe Israel is saying they are a democracy for everyone in the region, only for the people they are allowing to vote. While it might not be the best system, it is the system they are and have been operating for some time as far as I know. I don't know the answer to this: Have the voting laws changed markedly in the past 3-5 years wrt Arabs voting in Israeli elections? When did they change if they did change to restrict Arabs recently as opposed to the restrictions that might have been in place for X amount of years? Israel gets a lot of leeway from me for sure. While certainly not a paragon of virtue, they seem to be doing what is necessary for them to survive and respond to changes affecting them given the region they are surrounded by in my opinion.(which is just a layman opinion) Constant war might tend to make people warlike and able to accept things that peacetime people would not? I bet they regret giving Gaza back and don't surrender a single acre more unless it is taken by force.
  2. as of early April she, Emily Jones McCoy, was still married: https://www.myplainview.com/news/local/article/Emily-Jones-McCoy-coming-home-for-booksigning-12815576.php
  3. zork

    Beto 2020

    You think whitey Biden is going to pick whitey O'Rourke? I believe the only chance O'Rourke had, for '20 PotUS, was to be on top of the ticket with a woman/minority on the VP side. Whitey/Whitey won't get the turnout needed and Biden seems to be the clear front runner at this point if early polls are to be believed. Being careful on the female part of the ticket is important for the misogynist minority voters as well. Kamala is the VP choice to beat. Creepy Joe Biden/Legs up Harris is your Democrat ticket for '20. edit: Red Five was more succinct with his message.
  4. zork


    It does seem like the Palestinian deal they will be able to make at any given time does seem to get worse and worse. Maybe not hitching their wagon to HAMAS might prove more successful for them? Or to whomever is supplying the rockets to the people shooting them into Israel? Maybe the spy-like, sneaky, Israelis are shooting rockets into Israel themselves to justify continually taking even more land back around Israel proper? (/sarc if you couldn't tell)
  5. So what is the suspected reason for the initial shooting, much less the suicide? Any guesses? They both lived at the house where it happened, did I read that right?
  6. zork


    so how much of the Jewish population over the last 50-70 years that is now not in the Arab countries fit this "spies" description?
  7. zork

    Beto 2020

  8. I'm saying he could have had an increasing net worth while showing a loss on his taxes for the years provided by the NYT. That is all I am saying. Forbes varied history with Trump: https://www.forbes.com/profile/donald-trump/#1e40f9ff47bd Reprint from 1990: https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2019/05/08/why-we-took-trump-off-the-forbes-400-during-his-decade-of-tax-losses/#24ebdb8933d9 https://www.google.com/search?q=years+trump+was+on+fortune+400&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS773US773&oq=years+trump+was+on+fortune+400&aqs=chrome..69i57.8047j1j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  9. So he can't show losses on his tax returns and have a lot of real estate that rises in value from before the tax returns stated in the NYT and after? I'm not curious. I'm pointing out that tax returns don't show the total story unless you have more information and all of them even for the limited amount of info they can provide. On a slightly related note Amazon showed very little income, if any, for many years till just recently yet their value was growing and growing as they expensed the hell out of their investing back into their business while taking advantage of all the tax code offered to business to provide incentives to invest.
  10. Net worth increasing is not necessarily profit till it is realized. Start a bunch of things(via LLC, etc) and fail the ones that don't work, deducting and using bankruptcy legally along the way for the various legal entities, while expensing what you can on the successful businesses. We are also talking about multiple decades of business being trivialized into a sentence like: Banks won't lend if you don't have assets. Trump got loans a lot over the years. Lots of articles about the loans over the years. Not all deals worked out of course. Of course we don't have his internal private business ledgers to know the whole story.
  11. Seems to me the same cabal that pied pipered Trump into the lead has decided Biden is the best way forward. Lots of press pushing him and the polls reflect it. He's the guy to take down the Dotard. Only thing left is to see which bridesmaid is picked to take on Pence. Not that it matters to time traveling Trump/Pence: https://www.google.com/search?q=time+traveling+pence&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS773US773&oq=time+traveling+pence&aqs=chrome..69i57.3949j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  12. So where do we stand now? What are the Mensch-ites, or others, predicting wrt PotUS Trump and family? NY State going to get him/them after he is kicked out of office in Jan '20? (give specific predictions) Re-elected so not gone till '24? (expound on your thoughts on this) Impeached before Jan '20?(tell us when and on what specifically) Trump Jr or others in family convicted of something?(tell us what you predict) Other?(please list specifics) Putting this in here because the potential aftermath of the Mueller report is still alive wrt Congressional inquiry/interviews/etc. What say you?
  13. Some relevancy, @Brew could tell you more, but sure you put the value in and then it(turbo tax for instance) devides it into a 27.5 depreciation year for residential and 39 year schedule for commercial depreciation, iirc. Are you referring to that? It is not marked to market each year. BTW, I have no idea what the depreciation was in the 80's or whatever years were covered by the NYT piece. Reducing the income from your rents by the cost of taxes, insurance, expenses is well know by the banks who lend for real estate transactions. It is known and they do want values for your properties when determining your assets as part of a loan or determining your ability to pay.
  14. net worth is not marked to market on tax forms. property values and stock values, not sold, fluctuate wildly and are only paper gains or losses till they are sold. not shown on tax returns unless there was a transaction on part of the total portfolio generally. unless that unicorn year in which everything was sold perhaps. even then it wouldn't reflect total net worth on the tax forms.
  15. Just a footnote to the last 10 or so pages: You can show business loss in real estate virtually every year while your net worth explodes higher.(and cyclical higher and lower depending on property values) If you don't sell and continue to pay off your properties, you can get great loans for more business dealings and still show losses(depreciation, interest expense, rehab expense, general expenses offsetting and sometimes eclipsing real income). It is tax code incentive to invest in new business, to rehab shit properties into rent bringing ones, etc etc. Carrying forward those losses is legal as well. Just a different perspective that a couple people were gently alluding to but possibly less explicitly wrt Trump's real estate business markers via tax forms every year being different than his net worth at any given moment.
  16. At some point you need to have some consistency with the lineup. Maybe the confluence of events has precluded that this year but holy shit there has been a new lineup almost every game this year which does not help with general consistency. Maybe that could improve or at least setting better communication for the guys on how and why that changes as much as it has. Sure injury has dictated it some. This year has been the opposite of last year in terms of being snake bit since the LSU series and/or the TTech series. The stanford rain game was bullshit. The baylor rain game was bullshit. But both those are just baseball. The team has no late inning zen this year. Pierce needs to own it. He needs to figure out a way to get the players to relax and play while not always looking over their shoulder. Whatever it is that is happening this year, the players aren't getting it done. Too bad since after the TTech series things were looking really good.(assuming you can believe the team is full of fighters that find ways to close out tough games which was the case then clearly wasn't post TTech)
  17. hmmm: https://thefederalist.com/2019/05/06/major-report-omission-shows-mueller-either-incompetent-political-hack/
  18. I think it is fine for the parent to walk with the kid selling door to door.(recommended for safety) At the office it should be low key, make a no pressure announcement. Many people actually love the cookies. It is like crack to some. They sell themselves to a certain degree. If you like the cookies then buy them or maybe buy one box to support the kid and donate them somewhere. A real estate lady in our neighborhood buys tons of "thanks a lots" type cookies to give as a thank you along with a thank you card for little favors. My daughter, no pics but you can see one in the dog thread, has really grown in her ability to sell and/or present her spiel to people as she has gone door to door for the last couple years.(and she went with her brother the year before) Buying the camp cards, the popcorn, the cookies, is something to support the kids going to camp, etc. Plus it is a boost for self-esteem, etc. I'm much more inclined to buy from kids now that I've seen mine go through the process.
  19. she's prettier than the 8th/9th inning pitching and defense since the TT series win.
  20. Meanwhile in Sweden, the Green party there wants: https://www.thelocal.se/20190505/half-eu-budget-should-go-on-climate-measures-swedish-greens
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