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Everything posted by zork

  1. Is trump falling or possibly sitting down in that cartoon or is it just a perspective eye trick to not show obama looking up to the taller trump? Or is the cartoonist being disingenuous in his cartoon about trump wrt the shorter obama?
  2. lebowski treatment : aka: crowbar to the corvette type damage to the vehicles of the owner of the STR. Or to the vehicles or property of their guests at 4:30AM as each group moves in.
  3. If/When the 2020 season is canceled: what about the player eligibility? Are Seniors given a chance to play the following year? Are the rest moved up like a normal year? How is this shit going to work? More scholarships to allow for the logjam of extra players due to eligibility allowances? Or is it tough tittie for Ehlinger and the rest of the seniors for example? What is the answer and what is going to happen? Or are they going to blow off any risk and play on? Game on.mp4 (from waynes world)
  4. Is there anything to the argument that the plea or admission of guilt was reached without information withheld by the prosecution? If that happens, new shit come to light man /Lebowski, doesn't that allow the plea ad/or admission of guilt to be rescinded? Especially since the case was put on hold. Be honest.
  5. While we are on the tub drain topic: Is there a p-trap type scenario on tub drains into the sewer pipes in general? Or are you just supposed to keep the drain closing mechanism engaged when the tub is not in use to keep the swamp gas from emanating from the drain?
  6. How's the budget going since that long trip at Walmart with the being charged for the extra blankies? Proud of ya man. Keep on going and sharing. Best thread on the Surl.
  7. something something 2 drowned,.... Delaware. Rudeness, murderkill boobies: more research, slightly off topic: wanna go swimming at murderkill river tomorrow:
  8. Anyone else think G oogle was the "you-know-who"?
  9. From NPR and toxicology report:
  10. Did the kids like the Hip Huggers tour in Kokomo?
  11. https://datausa.io/profile/geo/west-lake-hills-tx#demographics
  12. From that article: From another article about mask purchasing in California:
  13. yea, ha ha, i saw some of that after I edited it the first time. oh well. touring the strip joint would be cool as well, for the OP at least. not always re-reading enough after quickly typing out posts for this site. edit: after a quick search: it is apparently still there: Hip Huggers, Kokomo, IN, 46901
  14. I love you as well. Is there a problem pointing out hypocrisy where it might exist?
  15. Some of it, mostly clips/photos, from the internet. We don't watch TV in zork-casa, mainly disney movies on a weekend for a treat. (disney+ sub till the end of summer) I saw packed in overhead video/shots of protests from different cities. Just like I saw clips/photos of packed bars and beaches from the last few weeks as well.
  16. https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/coronavirus/stanford-prof-median-infection-fatality-rate-coronavirus-those-under-70
  17. kokomo indiana had a very touchy-grindy--feely $10 lapdance place when I was up there working on a near-by frito-lay distribution center(edit: can't recall whether it was a DC or MF(manufacturing facility). (over 10 years ago) Might be a good tour if they give them. Seeing all of the yuge machinery to make the cookies, chips, etc in super bulk was cool. We were working on their computers/networks/etc throughout their facilities nationwide.
  18. zork

    Adios Aunt Jemima

    Or they are tired of killing all those Eskimos for their delicious pies. Or they are turning in their name changes for maximum woke-credits.
  19. I read your post and looked up the date of the start of the protests in dfw. Then the article talking about daily protests in Dallas, for three weeks ending at Juneteenth, was one of the first to pop up. So crowds protesting, generally without masks nor social distancing, largely, might give some credence to the at minimum decent amount of blame for the uptick in places where the protests were happening(big urban areas of Texas and elsewhere). The people protesting clearly thought it was worth the risk. The pundits in general said it was as well. That doesn't mean it wasn't the cause of many people getting it. Bars and beaches, etc as well of course. My family hasn't changed behavior much since late February. I don't wear gloves as much but masks for sure when out and about which is to go to Home Depot or the grocery store on occasion.
  20. zork

    Adios Aunt Jemima

    What will be the new names for "Columbia University", "Yale University", among other institutions named for slave traders, etc? Will the country of Columbia change their name, the brand Columbia(sportswear, located at 130 N Christopher Columbus Blvd, Atlantic City, NJ 08401)?
  21. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/2020/06/19/dallas-enters-third-week-of-daily-protests-on-a-day-celebrating-blacks-freedom-from-slavery/
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