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Everything posted by zork

  1. xbase hit train for da bears. 5-0
  2. to the fifth, 3-0 bears
  3. Texas not getting the close plays this weekend and the long fly balls are not long enough.
  4. swung at first pitch to him today to get it as well.
  5. top of the 4th , 3-0 bears
  6. i don't have the super advanced version and it is not available now. it was on fox sports sw but they switched to bowling. im listening from the listen link on texassports.com: https://texassports.com/sports/2014/11/19/GEN_1119144623.aspx
  7. to the 3rd, 3-0 bears
  8. they switched it to bowling on ps vue. https://texassports.com/sports/2014/11/19/GEN_1119144623.aspx click listen on the saturday game. then click the play button on the sunday game. 3-0 bears after bad newz hornz errors.
  9. Not sure exactly what you are referencing but I once dislocated my patella. Ortho dude popped it back in/over and worked on my leg for about 10-15 minutes checking the bend of my knee, listening to the joint, feeling it as he bent my leg, etc. (this was 30+ years ago) Therapy: he had me stick my knee 5 minutes in ice water, 5 minutes in jacuzzi(hot water), repeat for 30 or so minutes starting and ending in cold. Most importantly, he gave me knee joint tightening exercises to strengthen the muscles that hold your knee together: Exercise he described: sit on the edge of a couch, table, or chair with your leg supported till just before your knee. with one leg sticking straight out from the table/chair and the other relaxed, drop the leg from straight down by about 15 degrees. (180 deg being straight, 195 deg dropped 15 off straight) then bring it up to straight(180) and hold the muscle tight drop it 15 degrees and then bring straight and hold it tight (when fully straight you should feel the muscle on the inner upper part next to your patella bulging a bit and moreso as you get it stronger) Repeat 15-20 times doing each leg after your set of 15-20. Do this morning and night with the cold/hot treatments one cycle daily till any swelling is gone. If doing squats, never let your injured leg bend past 90 degrees when you are doing them. I didn't have to have surgery. Was good to go after about 2 weeks in a splint, 4 weeks total. Good luck.
  10. might as well get on a 3 month deal. since you are selling you won't have to pay if you prove you sold or moved.
  11. you didn't get the email yesterday from "need to impeach"(presumably .org)? Steyer or however you spell his name is going social media grassroots to infect the process with spontaneous yet planned protests. get used to it. Here is a cut and paste:
  12. gdangit, is it too much to ask for that type of effort every night? They actually embodied a havoc style(full of energy) on offense and defense in the NIT. Why the effort now? Glad they won. Maybe they can bottle some of it for next year. Lipstick on a pig of a year.
  13. we used scoutbook. It is pretty good, if you have people at the den level and the org level to update the items respectively. meaning you should get help and not expect each den leader to have to do everything. whatever you use, get your events on the calendar way ahead of time so people can plan. check with the schools for dates like spring break, UIL competitions, holidays, etc, etc. den meetings should be set weekly or every other week on a set day of the week. the pack should meet once a month. including the families is huge at the cub scout level. good luck. my boy just crossed over last week. on to boy scouts!
  14. On that note, Sam's Club is cheaper without insurance than buying at the other places with insurance. Luxxxxxx musta not own them yet.
  15. yea, but insert: reportredactedexcept"therewasnocollusion".pdf
  16. She had no choice as Mike Pence is/was a time traveler: https://lulz.com/trump-time-machine-1/
  17. Speaking of that, is there an IG report still forthcoming on something like @Anastasis has referenced many times recently? FISA related or somesuch? How does the way an IG reports differ from the special prosecutor? Inspector General=IG? https://www.oversight.gov/ aintnobodygottimeforthis.gif for that site just listed.
  18. what are some specific examples from each of the choices?
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