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Everything posted by zork

  1. sure. but they don't have a choice on this yuge deal now. multiplier effect is real, yo. look at the cities bending over backwards and doing acrobatics to attract the deal you imply NY doesn't need? seems like a bit of sour grapes. it would have been additive for the area in total. which doesn't mean it would have been all smooth sailing.
  2. jobs, jobs, jobs and the multiplier effect from them. simple really, and beautiful, potentially yuge. https://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/the-multiplier-effect-of-innovation-jobs/
  3. the guy came out and looked at the damaged windows. he examined them to be sure the damage was not due to foundation issues, they weren't. he measured and then left to set up the quote. quote was decent, better than the established chain window providers. after I accepted the bid he said it would be about a week to order them. they came in and we set the time for him to come out. he took the exterior plastic about 1/2" from around the outside of each window pane. then used a heat gun to deftly melt the glue/silicone/whatever holding the remaining/broken/cracked glass to the window frame. brought the new window in and used whatever adhesive he used and added new plastic 1/2" framing that bonded the window to the frame. used some commercial grade window cleaner to clean them up nice. boom. done. awesome.
  4. Yea, I misspoke. I linked to the Rijksmuseum but did mistakenly call it the Rembrant museum.
  5. Last trip was in October of '99. As shown above, the metro shuts down early on weeknights so plan accordingly if you use it to go out. Uber is available now at least. Musee d'Orsay was best master painting for the time spent IMHO, awesome. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musée_d'Orsay Walk the Avenue des Champs-Elysées. See the Arch de Triomphe. The parks/grounds around the Eiffel Tower were great to get perspective, people watch, etc.
  6. In the last 8 games of last year during the post season Shaw was: 9 for 26 with 6 walks: texas southern 1-2 with 3 walks aggy 1-3 and 2 walks indiana 1-3 TTech 0-4 TTech 1-4 TTech 2-4 arky 3-3 and a walk UF 0-3 He didn't get the hit in his pinch hit at La but you could say he played pretty well when it mattered last post season. He is also a redshirt SR so you can't get much more experienced than that. Pierce likes to put the old guys in the clutch situations. It doesn't always work.
  7. 6 window panes replaced. They look awesome. A Glazier is the way to go for broken windows.
  8. pics no worky.(for me at least)
  9. To be clear, it isn't the Rembrandt museum that the poster upthread was talking about. He was referring to the Rijksmuseum which is where the Nights Watch is. It is also amazing from an architectural perspective. yea, get as close as you can to any of the Rembrandt works to see how thick he used the paint. And see them from afar as well. Stunning stuff to even an unwashed heathen as myself.(who did take a Dutch Art History class at UT as an elective)
  10. yep. it was great to read/hear him getting out of the bases loaded jam. that is Pierce showing confidence. would have been perfect if he had only let him do that one extra inning after that.
  11. https://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/timbs-v-indiana/
  12. if you had to pay to have someone watch them(not likely but possible) you could qualify for some relief I believe. you are right that the Personal and Dependent Exemptions went away though. But wait(in bold ) https://www.investopedia.com/tax-deductions-that-are-going-away-4582165 I did not know that. /Johnny Carson
  13. kansas schools no bueno so far.
  14. Easter will be here soon enough: Sunday, April 21 Easter 2019
  15. the path of the ball to the hole after it started rolling on the green was like this:
  16. Good to see the Zubia factor get unleashed. Rehabbing Ridgeway will be Pierce's Shugart story this year. I'm guessing Ridgeway is going to get a lot of opportunities early. Looks like 1-1.5 innings should be the right amount for a return to an effective Ridgeway. And if not the others look to be able to pull up the slack. Hopefully the first 4 batters Ridgeway shows up from now on.
  17. Logan continued by saying President Donald Trump‘s press coverage is a case in point of how the media produces a “distortion” by boiling things down so that “there’s no grey. It’s all one way.” “If it doesn’t match real life,” Logan said, “something’s wrong.” The conversation went on with Logan citing recent comments from former New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson, saying the media has “abandoned our pretense or at least the effort to be objective.” As she argued that media sources on the left and right regularly push their preferred narratives and “do terrible things,” Logan determined that the weight of the liberal media overwhelms “the other side” unless people actively seek outlets like Breitbart." if you didn't know: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1381710/Lara-Logan-reveals-terrifying-details-mob-sexual-assault-Egypt.html
  18. What would you say is the reaction on the face of that little girl as Biden stands near her? Did she have gas? Maybe there is fear in my previous post wrt Biden but not from me.
  19. double
  20. They certainly are using incentives to get you to share your personal XYZ to infinity so they can track you and build a file on you. Humana incentive program, for instance, wants to know where you shop, what you buy, your heart rate data, when you go to the gym, how many steps per day, etc, etc. The questions you ask certainly would be logical, slippery slope, conclusions at some point. Not voluntary to the extent that you are paid incentives wrt kickbacks on insurance charged by your company and gift cards for the x amount of right things you do(go to gym x times gets x amount of gift card for instance), etc, etc. There is also the legit prevention aspects of people who exercise might not need as much healthcare dollars spent on them. Having worked for a yuge analytics company they can store infinite amounts of data on you for a long time. Especially when it is the relatively few clients that an insurance company voluntarily gets permission to track as opposed to tracking all datapoints related to every visit to a website for x amount of clients that the big guys track. Relating that data back to interesting things is being discussed ad-infinitum to the data holders/gatherers wrt to monetizing and/or reducing costs from theoretical conclusions derived from it. Shit is real. Not necessarily nefarious though. One day we might find out that is not the case. Is privacy an illusion?
  21. @Anastasis, any odds on when the report is done or likewise wrt to online Mueller related bets?
  22. last known pic before he died above. one lawsuit details from that case, a few at least: Didn't see any lawsuits beyond that one and the fact the feds declined to make it a hate crime. Zimmerman lost his suits against the twitterverse it seems. So that might be some correlation to this case?(other than the fact they both involved minor persons) Glad nobody died on the mall.
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